Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tumkur Mallige Blue Film

Problems with the blog, go back now

Sorry you can not post as I wanted. It is impossible to upload images and link links. This is written in html editing. Hopefully tomorrow is resolved.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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A week in the drafting of Businessweek

The following video shows us using a Time Lapse interesting, how a week goes by in the drafting of Businessweek to carry out publication in the magazine. The video was presented at the congress of the Society of Publication Designers , by its creative director, Richard Turley.

BUSINESSWEEK: THE MOVIE SORT OF from bizweekgraphics on Vimeo .

1001 Via Media - Dalzine - SPD

Merbau Horizontal Steel Posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Name Of Waterproof Foundation By Revlon

The effects of wind farms on the populations of Alondra ricotí

know that wind farms have serious effects on the environment in which they settle. From environmental impact generated by the disappearance of peatlands by the installation of wind farms and the problems of habitat fragmentation on species. Now we have more data on how they affect some birds, especially the Alondra ricotí ( Chersophilus duponti Vieillot), a bird threatened and endangered species in the Iberian Peninsula.

1 - What is the Alondra ricotí?

ricotí Lark (Chresophilus duponti) is a small bird populations exclusively in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. In Europe, 100% of the population is exclusively in Spain, but only found in eight regions: Castilla y León, Aragón, Navarra, Castilla La Mancha, Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia and Catalonia.

ricotí Lark is listed in the Red Book of Birds of Spain as endangered. The main threats on the population are the destruction and loss of habitat, with its small size and fragmentation of their populations, have led to its current decline.

In Spain there are less than 2,000 couples threatened by changes in land use, infrastructure construction and especially the ongoing expansion of wind farms, which places Installation optimal match the ricotí lark habitat.


Red Book of Threatened Birds in Spain - PDF

2 - How does installation of wind farms to the Alondra ricotí?

This is such protection in 2010, the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Castilla y León (TSJCyL) revoked authorizations for wind farms Escaravela, Carabuena and farrowing, located in the Altos de Layna, Medinaceli Area because of its proximity to the Natura 2000 areas inhabited by the lark ricotí, an endangered species.

A statement that at the time, showed how an infrastructure that must be submitted to the Environmental Impact Statement was submitted for information, not made, quite common in the Junta de Castilla y León in the region of Cantabria communities, both with sentences of Courts of Justice which the installation of wind farms, by the lack of public information period or directly jumping all the paperwork and allowing installation of this type of infrastructure in areas of environmental protection.

The Case of Guadalajara

In 2008, Iberdrola Renovables, opened in Guadalajara Dos Pueblos wind farm, wind farm at both SEO / BirdLife and Dalma, asked to stop the works.

precautionary urgent need to paralyze the works and operation of wind farm called 'Dos Pueblos' Soper of irreparable harm or very difficult to compensate for the population of Lark ricotí (Chersophilus duponti) of the place and other threatened species reflects the proximity of wind turbines individuals ricotí lark, a species that is endangered.

addition, as explained by both organizations in a statement the report has been documenting the dangers of the park for other species such as the griffon vulture, the chough or Sandgrouse.

Guadalajara Dos Mil

As if all this were not enough:

remember the Dos Pueblos wind farm is located in the same area called Sierra Buleje wind farm, whose promoter was also Iberdrola Renewable Energy SA and for the day September 4, 2002 was published in No 109 DOCM an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) were negative.

Guadalajara Dos Mil

Now, after three years, we know that l ricotí as stocks Molina de Aragón and Buleje Sierra (Guadalajara) were reduced by 40% and 32% respectively , a year after putting up windmills, by Juan Carlos Atienza, Conservation Coordinator SEO / BirdLife.

situation similar to the Land of Medinaceli (paralyzed at the time) and "provoked" the halving the population of only 1 year ricotí in putting into operation the wind , notes Atienza.

As you will not believe the view of environmental organizations, we reading the communication, very watered down, but very clarifying that exposed Antón García de Iberdrola Renovables for the Sixth National Congress of Environmental Impact Assessment (Albacete, 6 to 8 April 2011), recognizing "reluctantly" ricotí situation, although obviously not I blamed the wind farms (interested party).

At least not that blamed climate change and how is everything today.

After several lines that are dedicated to minimizing the damage and say:

A priori the presence of the wind farm does not significantly affect the behavior of this lark since most of time remains in the soil, moving on foot or by short flights that do not usually exceed 3 to 5 feet

We met a devastating last paragraph *:

Finally, in regard to 2010, detected a decrease of land of around 33% in both areas with wind turbines and those without.

Other teams are working with ricotí lark in the province of Soria also obtained similar results in 2010, although so far not been able to identify the causes that have caused this decline, not having found any relation with the presence nor wind farm with other factors such as weather (except for the presence of snow late.)

* Although Iberdrola Renovables, blamed the problem as something general to include both areas with wind turbines and the have-nots, the truth is that due to the problems of reproduction of this species by high degree of fragmentation in the study areas.

conservation Dupont's lark in Andalucia seems to be threatened mainly by the lack of favorable habitat and fragmentation of their populations (Garza et al., 2006; Laiolo and Tella, 2005). This fragmentation of the area Andalusian distribution makes the probability of extinction of existing populations is very high, but maintenance for long periods of time some nuclei with very few individuals has led some authors to suggest that may be interconnected with other areas of distribution Iberian (Garza et al., 2006; Manrique et al., 1990). PDF

From the news I learned from the Twitter of Juan Carlos Atienza ( @ atienzajc ), Conservation Coordinator SEO / BirdLife


- Alondra Ricotí ( Duponti Chersophilus )

- Protecting ricotí lark leads to TSJCyL to cancel three wind


- Wind farms threaten the lark ricotí

- ricotí Lark, Bird of the Year chosen

- Quercus - The bog Mount Zalama

- Determining the range of Dupont's lark (Chersophilus duponti) in the town of El Padul (Granada) - PDF

- Tarayuela and the wind farm

- SEO / BirdLife and Dalma call for suspension of wind farm Dos Pueblos de Guadalajara opened today

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hack Version Of Cubefiled

Store: The Mona Chita in Murcia

Tarzan without it, there would be nothing, Murcia, without designers The Mona Chita, either. Not only are the creators of pop-shirts more fun, but they are responsible for bringing the city more interesting designs in fashion, accessories, shoes, and even independent editorial publications, through two of their establishments: The Mona Chita (C / Selgas, 14) and Bambo (C / Andrés Baquero, 12).

Throughout the week there will come the sewing! :-)

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Creative Spaces: Small food styling details

The last official blog post of DMC threads, I loved, like all true. All are great ideas for having organized every corner, how are you slate.

You'll never see a rack with the same eyes.

(I'm changing the look of this page with items number 2, the cover has been designed Lady Neglect, what it?)