Sunday, December 26, 2010

In The Line Of Duty: The F.b.i. Murders

hydrangeas means "water drinker" , for me mean what they taught me, attracting angels for their beauty.

I love you ma !

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Kerastase Keratİn Treatment

hydrangeas take you Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all,
a Savior has been born!
he brought light to those who sought him.

... " Night, Holy Night" ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Brooke From Ideep Throat

We are nearing the end of 2010 with a shocking death toll of women by male violence. It is difficult to find words to express the anger we feel most people in this society in this situation.
I propose a South Sighs song to reflect and to get in march against violence towards women.
The message: Male, born free, fly.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How Are Polyps In Sinuses Treated

your mind

What is the most adaptable parasite?
idea one idea in the human mind can build cities.
an idea can change the world and change all the rules.

Dream: never recreate your memory, always imagining new places.

The security provided by the subconscious, is ideal for keeping secrets.

Dreams seem real while we have them only when awake, we can distinguish between sleep and wakefulness.

nobody teaches you how to steal ideas
" not teach you to steal .. but taught me to surf the minds of people." Sailing in the minds of people, imagine how your life is like is when he comes home, and facing the problems, repressed dreams, with which dream is still alive ... talking or asking do we know, or only deduce from the image you are trying to convey with his presence, how to walk, dress or talk.

Building dreams from memories, is the easiest way to confuse reality with dreams.

Dreams are pure creation.

dreams within dreams, it is very unstable, fragile, weak, unclear.

Sometimes the subconscious is looking for the dreamer, the creator, the artist.

Theory Platon

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Taking Ashower With Your Husbend

write, and read as often as necessary!

- Write: A Warrior of Light pays attention to the eyes of a child. Because they know see the world without bitterness. When he wants to know if the person next to him is to be trusted, try viewing it as you would a child.

Replace Philips 400 Car

the warrior of light

Every warrior of light and suffered little things ... Pandi
thanks Mari!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Physics On A Toy Bike

the simple and beautiful love.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get An Std Panel Back

love superheroes

I'm at a stage in fond memories that come to my mind, and I will not let go, including remembered that I liked Wonder Woman and used to dream that someday I would become it.

Without realizing it, now that I became Wonder Woman. I can do wonders
in whom I need.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Females Who Neve Wear Underwaer

power of advertising in the construction of gender. Thoughts of famous women

No doubt: we live in society of the image. Advertising influences us more than we think ... And, of course, the roles of women and men appear very differently in the media.
You may want to stand to think how far we slaves and how we construct gender throughout our lives, receiving influences of our family, as a model, stories, cartoons, magazines, television, Internet ..., to advertising observe critically, to be free.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gas Tank Size 1995 Ski Doo Formula 500sl

Our colleague Maria José is proposing enjoy this presentation on thoughts of some famous women throughout history.
Thanks for sharing!

Famous Women
View more webinars from Jorge Llosa.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How I Can Make My Pinas Big By Drag

Back to School

During the summer we have seen several stories related to gender inequalities: victims of male violence, discrimination towards women police in Melilla outstanding women sentenced to stoning ...
All these events should pose to the teacher a new challenge: we are responsible for educating children who will be the men and women of tomorrow.
We future in our hands.
Let's start the new year with hope and optimism, because if we propose it, doing our bit, we will contribute to further BUILDING EQUALITY.
home cheerful and happy of course!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rom Cheat Master Ball

premiere of the film "Charlotte's diary." Coeducation

about a year ago I met the writer Gemma Lienas in Equity Conference Granada. I had read one of his books, "Diary of Charlotte Blue," and I found very interesting the presentation he gave us that day in May in the beautiful city of Granada.
But I liked it much more his closeness, his kindness, his gentle eyes. At that meeting, Gemma Lienas advisers pledged to Ronda CEP organized a meeting with students from the Highlands. And so they met last April.
Gemma Lienas This summer is back story, as it opens in late July film "The Diary of Charlotte, based on the book" Charlotte's red diary ", though in the movie are some elements of other books by the same author as "That's life, Charlotte."
The story is about a girl who decides to write a diary, results of their research and experiences on a topic of great interest to adolescents: sexuality.
The film is fresh and fun. Also, many and many (Both adolescent and who have gone through adolescence) we see reflected in some of the characters.
If you want to check out the trailer and go digging on the website of "The Diary of Charlotte," I leave a few links:

film Trailer

Friday, June 4, 2010

Irrigation Details Acad


The education for equality should be a theme that permeates our curriculum.
Amalia Our companion chose a co-educational resource, the story "Oliver Button is a sissy" of Tomie de Paola, to work co-education from the areas of language, French and Plastic Education and Visual.
People who have had the opportunity to see "in person" booklets produced, we commend their authors for their excellent work.
Here I put some pictures of stories; on each page have used a plastic technique for illustration and the text translated into French.
Congratulations to Amalia and her group of 1 CEIP San Augustine ESO!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cheering Noise Makers

women in different cultures

The CEIP San Augustine tThe Burgo, the theme chosen this course for Drawing Contest has been " women in different cultures. "
To motivate students, our partner Paqui projected digital documentaries and presentations on women in Afghanistan, Chinese, Indian ...
The work they have done the pupils and students have proven to be of high quality.
Through them it is noted that the issue is not left them indifferent.
are drawings that show awareness to this issue and claiming the rights of women.
This contest has been organized by the Working Group Workshops to build equity.
We had the collaboration of the Association of Women "Anea" St. Augustine and the AMPA the City of El Burgo.
Here you can see pictures of the winners. If you click on them you can see more detail. What do you think?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Invitation Card Format For Lohri Party

Love is not a single color.

What is homophobia?
is the rejection of people who are not heterosexual, that is, is the lack of respect for sexual diversity of people.
To learn more, click:
On May 17 the world celebrates the International Day Against Homophobia.
This celebration has its origins in 1990 when the WHO (World Health Organization) no longer consider homosexuality as a "mental illness."
However, much remains to be done in respect for sexual diversity.
For example, transsexualism is still considered a "sexual identity disorder" in the manuals of psychiatry.
Currently about 80 countries around the world consider homosexuality as a crime that carries prison and even in some of these countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Saudi, UAE and Yemen), the death penalty.
And in our environment? Do we respect sexual diversity?
Our colleague Paqui invites us to listen to the song
"Chronicles of a gay ", El Barrio. You can see some videos on this blog.
seems that there is still much to do ... what do you think?
defrente The group proposes some activities Averroes; click here. Among the activities will find the story "For four corner of nothing", you can see below:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chunky Oversized Scarf

International Day for the health of women

The next day, May 28 is celebrated worldwide on Day International Health Action for Women.
This commemoration has its origin in the Fourth International Women's Health, held in Costa Rica in 1987, organized by the Global Women for Reproductive Rights.
At that meeting, over 600 women, representatives of organizations from different countries, have concluded that they needed a time to reflect and discuss policies and programs, as also to propose actions for the health of the female population.
The centerpiece of this initiative revolves around the maternal mortality, reproductive rights, teenage pregnancy and everything related to quality of life of women.
Today, 99% of pregnant women's deaths occur in developing countries, representing the largest public health crisis and a major cause of disparity in relation to developed nations ... .. and unfortunate protagonists, women. What a coincidence, right?
Today, as you read this post, in two minutes, two women worldwide have died from causes related to pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium (the majority of these deaths are preventable in nations with resources from the first world).
In Latin America and the Caribbean 23,000 women die each year, mainly due to haemorrhage, unsafe abortions, infections, obstructed labor and toxemia ...., imagine the poorest and most isolated parts of Asia and Africa!
Another scary issue is ablation. In relation to this practice that goes against the health of women and human rights, issued weekly report a story worth seeing. If you have 10 minutes, click on this link:
Lives mutilated. Weekly Report. TVE

Waris Dirie was born in Somalia.
his name, "Waris" means "Desert Flower."
At 5 years, underwent the rite of ablation.
At 13 he was forced to marry a man much older than her, but Waris fled across the desert to the capital of Somalia and took refuge at her sister.
Three years later, he moved to London where, at age 18, was discovered by a photographer while working in a burger.
worked as model for major fashion magazines and most prestigious clothing brands.
is currently the UN ambassador from Female Genital Mutilation, writer and actress.
His book, "Desert Flower" has recently led to the movies.
Two of our colleagues of the Working Group, Paqui and M ª José, we intend to see this video. This is an excerpt from the film Desert Flower, Waris Dirie which offers a chilling testimony ...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hoodie Design Your Own Malaysia

Equality, also in traffic signals

  Nuestra compañera Charo, que está haciendo un estupendo blog sobre Educación Vial, quiere compartir con vosotras y vosotros su investigación sobre las imágenes que aparecen en las señales de tráfico.
Algunos ayuntamientos han empezado a introducir señales donde también se representa a la mujer. 
Thanks, Cheryl, for sharing your knowledge.
I invite you to visit their blog for more information.
Link to blog: Child Education road

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Can U Get Rid Of Seborrhac

Women Women

"Where you live Fatima is a presentation that has sent me a companion of the Working Group. The video makes us reflect on women in different cultures.
Sometimes we are not aware of slavery that exist in our immediate surroundings ...
Thanks, Paquita, by sharing this presentation.