Sunday, May 16, 2010

Invitation Card Format For Lohri Party

Love is not a single color.

What is homophobia?
is the rejection of people who are not heterosexual, that is, is the lack of respect for sexual diversity of people.
To learn more, click:
On May 17 the world celebrates the International Day Against Homophobia.
This celebration has its origins in 1990 when the WHO (World Health Organization) no longer consider homosexuality as a "mental illness."
However, much remains to be done in respect for sexual diversity.
For example, transsexualism is still considered a "sexual identity disorder" in the manuals of psychiatry.
Currently about 80 countries around the world consider homosexuality as a crime that carries prison and even in some of these countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Saudi, UAE and Yemen), the death penalty.
And in our environment? Do we respect sexual diversity?
Our colleague Paqui invites us to listen to the song
"Chronicles of a gay ", El Barrio. You can see some videos on this blog.
seems that there is still much to do ... what do you think?
defrente The group proposes some activities Averroes; click here. Among the activities will find the story "For four corner of nothing", you can see below:


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