Sunday, January 30, 2011

Need Antibiotics Chest Infection

Review Journal forming clouds

One of the functions of
plankton, as well as food for organisms of the food chain have an important role in climate regulation by CO2 fixation and the release of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) involved in the formation of clouds.
biogeochemical transformations are vital in the cycles of the elements of the biosphere, in many cases being made exclusively by bacteria and possibly without their participation in biogeochemical cycles, earth as we know it would not exist.
One of the cycles involving bacteria, the sulfur cycle is one of the condensation nuclei involved in the origin of the clouds. Azífre In this cycle, there is dimethyl sulfide (DMS), a form of exchange of sulfur between the oceans and atmospheric, head of the Metal framed
smell of the sea.
The DMS is formed by the enzymatic breakdown of dimetilsulfoniopropionato (DMSP), an organic compound abundant in the oceans that serves as a kind of osmotic regulator of unicellular algae, usually individuals Haptophyta Division , like Emiliania
. This DMSP as synthesize and accumulate within the cell to counteract the effect of salt from sea water, preventing lytic rupture of the cell and may represent 10% of carbon content and 75% of the sulfur Cell. By

degradation and cell death (through zooplankton or viruses affect them) the DMSP is transmitted in the food web, finishing to produce dimethyl sulfide or DMS is going to be expelled into the air and broadcasting from the water to the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere, it will oxidize to form the main particles acting as condensation nuclei in the ocean.

kipina S. Effect of UV-B radiation on DMSP contents of the coccolithophond Emiliania huxleyi. Http://

What happens to the DMS in the atmosphere?

Once the DMS is free in the atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes oxidation and it will end forming sulfate aerosols will condense in the moisture and will increase the density of the clouds. By increasing the density of the clouds, there is a reduction of temperature (up to 4 º C) causing it reaches the sea a smaller amount of solar radiation and a more attenuated, causing a kind of regulation on productivity in the area and that this reduction of light energy will reduce phytoplankton primary production and therefore the marine ecosystem. phytoplankton, with the production of clouds in the atmosphere.
Something similar was observed with the issue SOFEX fertilization of phytoplankton with iron, which found that DMS concentrations had increased 4 times compared to the zone fertlizer.

An attempt to explain the process

In the following video, made by the Collective Axen, can be seen as a pilot will "make a cloud." With a vacuum pump draws air from the flask containing a small amount of water, thereby to form water vapor. will then add particles of phosphorus are in a match, to add to a flask and which will form a cloud.

Phosphorus acts as condensation nuclei for cloud particles as water vapor is added to the particles of water vapor.

on Vimeo

natural regulation

is believed that the release of DMS is a kind of air regulation system, since the production of DMS is related to water temperature and cloud formation. When a high production of DMS, clouds form, increases the albedo effect and reduces the solar radiation incident on the ocean, as well as lower the temperature of the ocean, it also reduces the production of unicellular algae and therefore the DMSP formed by the algae themselves. For

vote the news on


- González JM, Pedrós-Alió C. JP Gasol and bacterial plankton in the oceans. Scientific American, December 2008 - PDF
- Thomas MA et al . Quantification of DMS aerosol-cloud-climate Interactions using the ECHAM5-HAMMOZ model in a current climate scenario. Atmos. Chem Phys, 10, 7425-7438, 2010
- doi: 10.5194/acp-10-7425-2010

- Katina Bucher Norris -
dimethylsulfide Emission: Climate Control by Marine Algae?
The bloom of Haptophyta and CO2 fixation.

solar activity, climate change and terrestrial biota
Where do clouds come from?

- corals, algae and cloud formation

- The dance of the clouds of phytoplankton

- The
That science behind smell fresh seaside

Linked to marine organisms and climate change

Oceanic dimethylsulfide (DMS) and Climate

- WHOI - DMS: The Climate Gas You've Never Heard Of - Wikipedia -

Dimethyl sulfide and clouds

- Wikipedia - Cloud condensation nuclei

The role of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in regulating global climate.

Emiliania huxleyi Home Page
Universität Bremen - coccolithophores

Does it affect realmente la biosfera en el clima?
- Copley, J. All at sea. Nature 415, 572-574 (7 February 2002) 12/10/2001, Vol 294. no. 5541 (pp. 309 to 310). Available at:
- Possible dependence
Between the total solar irradiance and dimethylsulphide - Agenda for biodiversidade of non Vascular Prante. Universidade de Vigo.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Allergic To Listerine Fever And Sore Throat

I love the conversations that these two characters.

Sample Candy Buffet Contracts

Why prices rise cereal?

In recent months we have been witnessing a steady rise in grain prices. Corn, wheat ... all steadily rising. If the food crisis of 2007 some of the blame was due to speculation and biofuels, this time around is due to factors of production, because for months the major producers announced production cuts for the problems key times encountered in production, so speculators have little to do .

fusky (Iván Sánchez) on Flickr

In the years 2007-2008 with the previous food crisis, several factors came together that led to a crisis of enormous depth. On the one hand coupled crop loss due to drought and floods, as he ended going to Australia and Canada as well as increasing the dedication of the production of corn for biofuels.
There was also increasing demand in Asian countries, especially China and India, unable to satisfy themselves to their new growing middle class population, and calling for better food with a greater production of meat products and indirectly an increase in prices milk powder, which led to European farmers at prices not seen for many years.
addition also coincided with increased oil and fertilizer, which meant that many acres could not be sown or planted at half capacity because the cost per hectare increased.

2010 - 2011

This time we see as the prices of cereals are steadily rising for months. In the past seven months, corn and wheat have doubled in price and sugar has risen by 150%. In December, the highest price recorded in the last 25 years. To see how it has been this rise in grain prices, we must look back to August 2010, when the major grain producers in the world announced that they would struggle to meet global demand and the fact is that production has decreased with compared to 2009 in 2 of the most popular major cereals such as maize and wheat.

In the 2009-2010 cycle maize reserve was 147 million tonnes, "for the period 2010-2011, decreased to 127 million tonnes, 20 million less."

The wheat reserves of 197 million tonnes, which had in the previous cycle, fell to 178 million tonnes in the current, ie 19 million tonnes in that cycle, a situation that is a signal for speculation leading to higher prices of grains, said researcher Chapingo.


In August 2010, the fourth largest producer cereal, announced that temporarily banned exports of wheat, due to severe droughts in the summer months, with the highest temperatures in the last 130 years.

A drought in nearly 30 Russian regions (20% of arable land) and causing the export ban in anticipation of what may happen and also as a measure to keep prices at the domestic level. In 2009, Russia's production of wheat, was 90 million tons and in August it expected the final production was between 70 and 75 million tonnes. The difference of the 20 million tonnes, was what allowed Russia, being one of the largest exporter last year and prices to keep both internally and externally. Only

earlier this year announced it would lift the ban on wheat exports, domestic demand once stabilized, albeit at the cost of a 30% production.

Something similar happened to the countries of the region such as Kazakhstan or Ukraine, with great production of cereal and suffered similar situations. China

Food demand in China was one of many factors responsible for causing rising food prices in crisis 2007-2008. With an aging population, an increasing demand for more power and better quality, the Chinese authorities are in the position that it must increase the country's output of all products, although not sufficient to supply the population internal. What is more steady increase in demand in those months, China suffered the worst floods in 10 years and the government already provided that problems occur. Although China is the largest cereal producer in the world, is also one of the largest consumers, with domestic production does not cover the total demand. Finally despite floods and increased by 10% the market, the final estimated production grew 2% due to the high production areas of the northeast and Inner Mongolia (NW) that production rose by 13.4% to a total of 117.79 million tonnes.

However this increase in production did little to curb the price increase, one of the tasks of the Chinese government to curb inflation due to rising food prices.

Canada, Pakistan, Australia ...

also Canada, Pakistan and Australia, major grain producers, suffered their problems Canada, eighth world cereal producer, announced by the time production problems, but finally seems to have stabilized as well as Australia, with a considerable deterioration of grain quality, as both countries as Russia and China, passed through unexpected rainy seasons and droughts in key moments of the production.
Something similar is what happened in Spain, wheat production fell by over 10%, by the rains of last winter.

In fact, this global decline in production in part has benefited English farmers who have seen the price of wheat and maize grew something (retrieved the price for years) and in recent years, the 'granaries of Europe' as Russia and Ukraine ranks flooded the European market with cereal and caused a fall in cereal prices.
Trigo sesión 4 And the U.S.?

The Second World cereal producer, managed to weather the storm was coming, and not suffering from a severe flood and so droughts occurred in other countries. Thus, the production of maize and wheat-based stabilized but send less corn for biofuel production and total maize production fell by 4% and 10% in soybean.
Do speculators and biofuels?
This time has had little to do with the rise in grain prices.

one hand the supply and demand factor has taken the lead in all future negotiations, so the speculation as "unique" I was doing was going to tow the situation and have partly been responsible for the countries themselves of higher prices when they announced they could not meet production.

Moreover, food biofuels will increasingly less, while corn and sugar cane continue to be important in the U.S. and Brazil, respectively.

In recent years, the petrochemical companies are increasingly designed to leave more food resources as they are an expensive resource, which does not have a stable price and low energy content. For that reason more research is increased with algae or use of by-products, to avoid dependence on a few swings and a price increase ever going to be higher.

An example of what we say,
is that the European Union, deck solutions to the lack of sugar in the EU market by the fall in production
, eliminating fees for biodiesel to give them food consumption.

Hence, there is increasing research with algae and most importantly, further research with microorganisms to identify the genes involved or the identification of metabolic pathways by degradation of products such as MSW or plant remains primarily Escherichia coli
and the introduction of certain genes
Bacteria and biofuels

For example, Spain there are some interesting research in the field of fungal quite good results
Why? Are easy to grow, they are cheap and produce large amounts of product without affecting the extension of cultivation and human consumption.

The next few years

Forecasts International Grains Council (IGC), the increase in prices may be encouraged to increase the acreage is used for growing wheat and maize by 3.6% between 2011 and 2012, although as we have seen, increased production does not necessarily mean lower prices because they always is the meteorological factor that can derail the forecasts, especially in something so dependent on the conditions of floods and droughts as an agricultural crop.
However, climate change will increasingly make more palpable and the phenomena of drought and floods will become more frequent, requiring the improvement of crop plants to make them less vulnerable to these conditions , and either with artificial selection as with the rice and wheat or transgenic varieties better adapted to extreme conditions both as the temperature increases projected for the coming years.

The Earth's temperature increase over the next decade at least 2.4 degrees Celsius and, if kept current distribution patterns, the planet can not feed its human population, according to a study released today.

The report was released by the U.S. subsidiary of Universal Ecological Foundation of Argentina.

According to the study, 55 pages, by 2020 there will be on the planet more than 900 million human beings, for a total of 7,800 million, and "global food production will not be sufficient to meet demand."
"For more than 20 years, scientists have warned about the impact of change climate, but nothing changes apart from increased emissions that cause global warming, "said Liliana Hisas Faith, executive director of the U.S. branch of this organization.
Osvaldo Canziani, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 and adviser scientific report, said that "everyone is recorded weather events and extreme weather conditions, and increases in average surface temperatures will exacerbate the intensity of these episodes."

According to the authors, in 2020 a deficit of 14 percent in production and demand for wheat, 11 per cent for rice and 9 per cent for maize. EPA


- The CIC cut its production forecasts for corn

The solution to food price

Honduras: High international grain prices depressed local market

- warn low grain reserves

Corn prices offset the losses


could be built

- Severe flooding in China production decrease

- China shows the way of raw materials - cereal production in China increased by 2, 9% in 2010

cereal prices continue to escalate their

Six key questions: Why raise the price of food?

China intensifies efforts to combat drought in wheat-producing regions

warn low grain reserves

New food crisis?

- Bajan
grain inventories in the U.S.

- world wheat production would increase by 3.6% between 2011 and 2012

- / ALeqM5j-_5qT5TuX7rWgytoYTddOoZNRIQ? docid = 1445497

Flooding in China and drought in Russia threaten global food supply and prices shot

Russia suspends the export of grain until the end of the year by drought
wheat production in Spain in 2010 will fall 16%
warn other markets boom in Russia the price of wheat shoots

- Wheat futures soar in U.S.. U.S.

- global food crisis (2007-2008)

cereal production in Russia will fall to 70-75 million tonnes by Agriculture
analyze the impact of biofuels on the price

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inebrya White Ice Cream Dye

be happy

We can be happy in so many ways that we do not realize is happening that natural state, that state for which we were created.

also shared happiness, Who has not been happy for the good news that brings someone else?.

learned to be happy with the days of rain, with a good read, to play regardless of age, with a family table, to see the kids smile, when a friend disappeared back, when I love the person on my side.

not forget to be happy and grateful.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Anti-people For Berberine In Makabuhay Plant

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pain In Tongue Gums Spreading To Throat

pure and simple I sat and read

I returned a book he had left half, and the first sentence that I found was this:

"None of them had said anything.
not necessary to speak of love,
because love has its own voice and speaks for itself ... "

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Westernchikan Groper In Cinema

rainy Sunday today

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ray Diagram Of A Camera

thoughts about love. Surrogacy

One of the issues we have to consider when we build a more egalitarian society is the concept of love.
John Lennon gave us some thoughts that are still relevant. It is worth reading in peace ...

John lennon
View more presentations from angelesmerinoruiz .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Causes Broken Capillaries Face

: Business or patriarchy? Fear not

This Christmas we know a new case of famous person who looks at all costs to have a child, like a puppy dog \u200b\u200bis involved, decides on a whim or as a means to "complete as a person" renting the womb of a woman.
Let the record straight, a person is complete even without offspring. Women's costing us a lot of work to accept this idea, and now is that gay couples living in stable, (copying the models of patriarchy) also joined the macho idea based on that to make a family complete, it should be children.
But no problem: Elton John and his partner "acquire" this baby, for which they bought an apartment next to his, which will be attended by two nurses. What a beautiful family picture!