Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Review Journal forming clouds

One of the functions of
plankton, as well as food for organisms of the food chain have an important role in climate regulation by CO2 fixation and the release of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) involved in the formation of clouds.
biogeochemical transformations are vital in the cycles of the elements of the biosphere, in many cases being made exclusively by bacteria and possibly without their participation in biogeochemical cycles, earth as we know it would not exist.
One of the cycles involving bacteria, the sulfur cycle is one of the condensation nuclei involved in the origin of the clouds. Azífre In this cycle, there is dimethyl sulfide (DMS), a form of exchange of sulfur between the oceans and atmospheric, head of the Metal framed
smell of the sea.
The DMS is formed by the enzymatic breakdown of dimetilsulfoniopropionato (DMSP), an organic compound abundant in the oceans that serves as a kind of osmotic regulator of unicellular algae, usually individuals Haptophyta Division , like Emiliania
. This DMSP as synthesize and accumulate within the cell to counteract the effect of salt from sea water, preventing lytic rupture of the cell and may represent 10% of carbon content and 75% of the sulfur Cell. By

degradation and cell death (through zooplankton or viruses affect them) the DMSP is transmitted in the food web, finishing to produce dimethyl sulfide or DMS is going to be expelled into the air and broadcasting from the water to the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere, it will oxidize to form the main particles acting as condensation nuclei in the ocean.

kipina S. Effect of UV-B radiation on DMSP contents of the coccolithophond Emiliania huxleyi. Http://

What happens to the DMS in the atmosphere?

Once the DMS is free in the atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes oxidation and it will end forming sulfate aerosols will condense in the moisture and will increase the density of the clouds. By increasing the density of the clouds, there is a reduction of temperature (up to 4 º C) causing it reaches the sea a smaller amount of solar radiation and a more attenuated, causing a kind of regulation on productivity in the area and that this reduction of light energy will reduce phytoplankton primary production and therefore the marine ecosystem. phytoplankton, with the production of clouds in the atmosphere.
Something similar was observed with the issue SOFEX fertilization of phytoplankton with iron, which found that DMS concentrations had increased 4 times compared to the zone fertlizer.

An attempt to explain the process

In the following video, made by the Collective Axen, can be seen as a pilot will "make a cloud." With a vacuum pump draws air from the flask containing a small amount of water, thereby to form water vapor. will then add particles of phosphorus are in a match, to add to a flask and which will form a cloud.

Phosphorus acts as condensation nuclei for cloud particles as water vapor is added to the particles of water vapor.

on Vimeo

natural regulation

is believed that the release of DMS is a kind of air regulation system, since the production of DMS is related to water temperature and cloud formation. When a high production of DMS, clouds form, increases the albedo effect and reduces the solar radiation incident on the ocean, as well as lower the temperature of the ocean, it also reduces the production of unicellular algae and therefore the DMSP formed by the algae themselves. For

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- González JM, Pedrós-Alió C. JP Gasol and bacterial plankton in the oceans. Scientific American, December 2008 - PDF
- Thomas MA et al . Quantification of DMS aerosol-cloud-climate Interactions using the ECHAM5-HAMMOZ model in a current climate scenario. Atmos. Chem Phys, 10, 7425-7438, 2010
- doi: 10.5194/acp-10-7425-2010

- Katina Bucher Norris -
dimethylsulfide Emission: Climate Control by Marine Algae?
The bloom of Haptophyta and CO2 fixation.

solar activity, climate change and terrestrial biota
Where do clouds come from?

- corals, algae and cloud formation

- The dance of the clouds of phytoplankton

- The
That science behind smell fresh seaside

Linked to marine organisms and climate change

Oceanic dimethylsulfide (DMS) and Climate

- WHOI - DMS: The Climate Gas You've Never Heard Of - Wikipedia -

Dimethyl sulfide and clouds

- Wikipedia - Cloud condensation nuclei

The role of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in regulating global climate.

Emiliania huxleyi Home Page
Universität Bremen - coccolithophores

Does it affect realmente la biosfera en el clima?
- Copley, J. All at sea. Nature 415, 572-574 (7 February 2002) 12/10/2001, Vol 294. no. 5541 (pp. 309 to 310). Available at:
- Possible dependence
Between the total solar irradiance and dimethylsulphide - Agenda for biodiversidade of non Vascular Prante. Universidade de Vigo.


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