Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where To Buy Ladies Kurta In Mumbai

food styling: Tastespotting

Now that social networks flood everything, it seems that blogs are dying, let alone if they do not own content. Still, the information is so vast that sometimes it is appreciated that someone choose for you from some of the best things.

And what they do TastteSpotting , select and reveal recipes lost in space. Then you can choose between images the one you work up an appetite. I'll stick with this dessert: baked pears .

Bon appétit!
(via Goop )

Hydroquinone Causing Dark Skin

Blogs: Le Petit Pot

Natalia has many boats full of ideas, materials, inspirations and ultimately to patatas bravas. A journalist from Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwith a great eye for spotting beautiful things, a lover of all craft, and therefore decided to create his own creative space, through of his blog and his small craft brand called "Le Petit Pot ."

His style is clearly influenced by the spirit artisan Japanese, zakka, and uses many forms and icons in a simple and original. Among my favorites are the counters -faces, the purses adorned with garlands or c ALENDAR of advent of Christmas past. Also, watch until the end of the presentation and the communication aspect of their work, however is a whole Natalia cutehunter with which we are fortunate to have in the sewing.

To sample, this promotional video that she herself made to open his shop in Etsy . Follow her, you will not regret!

Le Petit Pot Show! from Le Petit Pot on Vimeo .

Sunday, March 27, 2011

North Face Ho Chi Minh


Ricky Martin gives us a nice message of equality with the song "Best of my life are you" and these images.
I hope you enjoy the video.

"Best of my life are you" Ricky Martin

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Where Do They Sell Toy Gold Desert Eagle

Hurricanes, earthquakes and climate change

With what happened in Japan, some relate to climate change with the existence of the increase in earthquakes. It is true that in the case of hurricanes, there is a relationship between hurricane intensity and climate change. However, it does not look like the earthquakes, because currently there is nothing that has been linked unequivocally to earthquakes and climate change. Hurricane

One effect that has been studied in recent years is the increase of the duration and intensity of hurricanes and tropical storms, due to increased the surface temperature of the oceans, which favors their formation. According Aqua satellite data (NASA, 2008), for every degree centigrade rise in temperature of surface waters, there was an increase of 45% of high-altitude clouds, with greater susceptibility to become phenomena tropical storms and hurricanes.

the past 30 years, the intensity and extent thereof, shall be increased by 50% (Emanuel, 2005) and is expected to increase their strength by an average of 20% until 2100 (Knutson et al., 2010) .

is also possible that in future there may be a greater number of hurricanes like Katrina (Webster, 2005), since according to the analysis of the past 35 years, hurricanes have been category 4 or 5 is bent, such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which reached Category 5 on up to 5, in existence of a Gulf of Mexico with a higher temperature than normal.

AIRS image from NASA, taken the day before Katrina touched the American coast, where there was an increase in surface temperature and a higher than normal formation of clouds high height. NASA via


Dugspr flickr photo

In recent days, due to the earthquake in Japan, some voices have been heard by relating to climate change, as did the Minister of Communication Bolivia, Ivan Canelas, relating to climate change. According

Canelas, the quake "is a product of the indiscriminate global warming that is generated as a result of this indiscriminate industrialization, for which the President has repeatedly gone to international organizations to denounce the excesses, but does not seem to make case. "

El Sol de Santa Cruz
The truth is that today,
no clear evidence of the existence of a relationship between climate change and tectonic earthquakes
should clarify the existence of a differentiation in the types of earthquakes with tectonic earthquakes and tectonic not produced by volcanoes or by human action.
, related to fracture zones or faults, that its effects are felt over large areas. Another type is caused by volcanic eruptions

, and there is a third group of earthquakes, local calls, which affect a very small region. These are due to subsidence of caves, underground caves and mine galleries or problems caused by solutions of layers of gypsum, salt or other substances, landslides or resting on clay layers. RENA

know there is a frequency of earthquakes, estimated between 30 and 40 years, with major earthquakes every 100 years, so in part, would undo the relationship between climate change and earthquakes; although it could give rise to the hypothesis of increased intensity as with hurricanes, although in that case, yes there is a clear (ocean temperature).

Some researchers have suggested the existence of a possible relationship as occurred in September 2009 in Climate Forcing
conference in London on geomorphological and geological faults,
in which it was suggested that climate change could have an effect and be responsible for taking energy from the balance of the land and produce effects in the crust.

In a series of studies published in 2010 in the Royal Society of London, concluded that there was evidence to say that climate change would cause a higher incidence of earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding ... However
as "one of the editors of the article, everything is a statistic that can give us results, but could not relate.
The conclusion is that as climate change increases the probability of occurrence of disasters. "It's basically a statistical problem," he told the BBC David Pyle, Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, and one of the editors of the publication. "There will be more floods, more rain, more landslides, but you can not be attributed to climate change this or that particular natural disaster." BBC

earthquakes and glaciers

In the same study, he joined the melting of ice sheets and sea level rise, increasing the pressure release and soil possible earthquakes, but the truth is we're talking about a very complex ecosystem that we do not know with certainty what happens, although in reality, what happens in these cases is that we are talking about different earthquakes, as they are
tectonic earthquakes, caused by melting glaciers or by volcanic activity.
In 2005, a NASA study observing the existence of earthquakes and melting of glaciers in Alaska, there was a relationship between melting -> increased earthquakes: Japan 日本 March 2011 — Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (東北地方太平洋沖地震) 278 GPS
Recent data suggest that earthquakes occur more frequently as the glaciers melt and disappear. The images above, based on satellite data, represent an area of \u200b\u200bglaciers in southern Alaska and all earthquakes of magnitude two or more that have occurred there since 1993. The size of the ring around each earthquake represents its relative magnitude. The first image was taken in 1993, the second in 1997 and third in 2003.
In a new study, scientists from NASA and United States Geological Survey (USGS) found that the retreat of glaciers in southern Alaska may open the door for more future earthquakes. The study examined the likelihood of increased earthquake activity in southern Alaska as a result of the disappearance of glaciers. As glaciers melt, lighten the load on the earth's crust. The tectonic plates that are mobile pieces of the earth's crust, can then move more freely.
The study appears in the July issue of the Journal of Global and Planetary Change. Jeanne Sauber of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA and Bruce Molnia, a geologist at the USGS, Reston, Virginia, used satellite data NASA and receivers global positioning system and computer models to study the movements of the plates and glaciers in the area discussed.

Glaciers of SE Alaska are very sensitive to climate change and many glaciers have shrunk or disappeared in the last 100 years. The trend seems to accelerate due to increased temperature and changes in form and intensity of precipitation.

SE Alaska in the tectonic plate pushes under the Pacific Ocean to the coast and created new mountains. The high mountains and precipitation are critical for the formation of glaciers. The collision of the plates creates tensions and pressures that eventually are released suddenly in earthquakes.

In 2006 a study in Greenland, he turned to find the same relationship with an increase of seismic waves and the sliding of the blocks of ice from glaciers, which occurred with greater intensity and more often, which was associated with global change (Ekström, 2006).

the 136 earthquakes analyzed these phenomena in the region of magnitudes between 4.6 and 5.1 by finding a pattern of increases. From 1993 to 2002 documented about 15 earthquakes per year, increasing to 20 in 2003, 23 in 2004 and 32 in the first 10 months of 2005. These data fit well with the temperature increase measured by other means.
These tests show that the Greenland ice cap is more vulnerable than previously thought and temperature rise than previous models on these blocks of ice sinned optimistic.

The summary of these strokes could draw is that there is a clear and proven that climate change causes more tectonic earthquakes but causing melting of glaciers and therefore if not tectonic earthquakes. As stated by Colin Stark, Research Associate at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, earthquakes are not increasing, but human risk itself.

really seems that large earthquakes have become more frequent in recent years, partly because their impact on society has increased as the city has grown and become more fragile, and partly because of the rarity giant earthquake and its tendency to cluster for statistical reasons and nothing else. It's a matter of perception and coincidence. CNN

If more and more people living in areas with high seismic activity such as Japan, Chile and the East Coast American is normal if there is an earthquake, the effects appear to be magnified, especially if the affected area is not suited to the high seismic activity in the area as happened with Japan and Chile, where the number of deaths was quite small compared to Haiti with a minor earthquake but was in an area not suited to seismic activity.

Lessons we have learned

Surely the earthquake in Japan, will be useful to have more data about the formation and effects at all levels has had the earthquake, as it occurred in an area as of Japan, a science powerhouse on the study of earthquakes and in tsunamis.

is especially interesting case of the tsunami, where we will learn lessons, and so far rarely been possible to obtain images of tsunamis since before landfall and enter their steps along the coastal areas and can follow how its passage and how they were its effects, so it may help us to study and improve infrastructure to reduce impacts of future tsunamis.

Más información

Nasa (2008).
NASA Study Links Severe Storm Increases, Global Warming
. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA.
Knutson et al. (2010). Tropical cyclones and climate change. Nature Geoscience 3, 157 - 163 (2010)
Emanuel, K. (2005). Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years. Nature 436: 686-688.

Webster P.J.; et al. (2005). Changes in Tropical Cyclone Number, Duration, and Intensity in a Warming Environment. Science Vol. 309 no. 5742 pp. 1844-1846

La desaparición de los glaciares de Alaska puede estimular la aparición de terremotos
Ekström, 2006. Glacial Earthquakes Point to Rising Temperatures in Greenland - Earthquakes in the ice
climate change manifest

Earthquake "and climate change? Quakes

Not Increasing, But Risk is


5 Myths About Earthquake in Japan

Did 'climate change' cause the Japanese earthquake?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

South Park Episode Keeps Buffering

my intention is to discover every day.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kate From Katesplayground Under Water

Why yes in the Sahara and not in Libya? Fukushima

Following the military intervention against Gaddafi in Libya, is showing a current with the # noalaguerra very legitimate on their part (I also support ). Within of this trend, some groups have opposed the intervention, but in the past as in the slaughter of the Sahara or the flotilla of freedom, it called for UN intervention. Why the double standard? With the events in the history of the freedom flotilla, which prevented Israel (all media, including the military) the arrival of a flotilla of freedom, completely disarmed and for humanitarian purposes, many groups described the incident as War crimes and came to ask for UN intervention, being an attack on a vessel flying the flag of another country and for the events. later something similar happened with the input blood and fire of the Saharan Moroccan army in November and lots of death of Saharawi citizens were Izik Gdeim camp on the outskirts of Laayoune, the capital of Western Sahara. At that time, some human rights organizations and political parties like United Left called for the intervention of Spain (to be privileged partner and former metropolis of the Sahara) and the UN (an organization involved in the decolonization process) in the area to know the truth and to stop him to Morocco with an international intervention. Demand
UN intervention against Moroccan slaughter Sahrawi protesters demanded the UN to send a delegation to verify the extent of repression of the gendarmerie and the Moroccan army to 20 000 refugees in a camp on the outskirts of Laayoune, the capital of Western Sahara.

Most political parties and large sections of society requires the Moncloa Palace (seat of central power) more strongly against its North African neighbors, which in 1975 annexed the Sahara, former English colony. Lara
urged the United Nations, the European Union (EU) and the Zapatero administration to take urgent action against the violation of human rights by the regime in Rabat. Juventud Rebelde

If in the past called for UN intervention, why not support it now? Why asking for UN intervention in the Sahara and also with the fleet but deny the intervention of the UN in Libya? As stated by Filipe Ten

@ javier_parra
Moreover, what legitimacy can the left opposition in Libya to claim the same q for Sahara and Palestine? (2 / 2)

Ten on Twitter

remember what you said one of the parties that opposed the intervention in Libya and the United Left:
Izquierda Unida believes that resolution of the Security Council UN seriously jeopardizes the scope of a ceasefire and reaffirmed Libya against any foreign military intervention in the country.

International Policy Coordinator of United Left and MEP, Willy Meyer, believes that the resolution 1973, adopted by the Security Council by 10 votes in favor, with abstentions from Germany, India, Russia, China and Brazil " gives green light for a military response to the crisis in Libya. " Meyer stressed the need to "reach a peaceful solution" to this conflict through "rejection of the use of force, and any foreign military intervention."

MEP for the United Left, "a military intervention in any format, either through NATO or countries such as France or the United States individually, can trigger a worsening of the crisis both in Libya and in the region. " Reservations for Germany, which detects "considerable damage and risks in military action" and India's position that "deplored the use of force", support this thesis. "This indicates that neither the EU nor NATO is no unanimity on the alleged positive effects of military action on the territory Libya, "said Meyer.

Other statement on the website of the United Left

If you look at this statement, emphasizes the opposition

military intervention, even compared with Iraq. noted that this action "is more responsive to oil interests that the real desire to establish democracy," so who opted for a negotiated settlement to end the dictatorial regime of Gadhafi and the Libyan people to reach freedom and not claiming it is evidence "the failure of international politics and diplomacy."

Century Journal

remember that when you thought of the Sahara were opposed and criticized the peaceful solution as they were now calling dialogue the Minister of Foreign Affairs with his Moroccan counterpart, since directly asking for intervention EU and UN.

The PP and IU Jiménez criticize his attitude 'weak and embarrassing 'to the Sahara
has been the spokesman for Izquierda Unida, Gaspar Llamazares

, who opened the building on fire harshly criticized the Foreign Minister that after eight days of the dismantling of the camp
Gdeim Izik
by Moroccan security forces, she has not said a word about the matter before the House.
black hole
government policy, which he says has been a" Copernican revolution "to go to BECOME policy of" outside interests "because only pay attention to trade relations forgetting the "diplomacy of values \u200b\u200band human rights."
" You use the Sahara as
currency", has accused IU spokesman. "Today we speak of a dispute, but tomorrow we'll talk about a real conflict in the Maghreb," he warned. World

Libya is not Iraq
As seems to be some controversy over the intervention of foreign powers under the umbrella of the UN against Gaddafi in Libya, it would be nice to make some considerations to avoid conspiracies unfounded, especially those relating to oil and now see a black hand.
should be noted that this time, there is a big difference with respect to the interventions in Kosovo and Iraq in 1999 and 2003, respectively, intervention of NATO and the United States acted without UN legitimacy.
This time, there is a big difference, as the Security Council UN justifies the intervention (resolution 1973) and prohibits the use of ground troops. This resolution is similar to the previous post exclusions Iraq's air Gulf War I and the deaths in the Bosnian War, the first without the support of the UN and the
second one did and was carried out by planes NATO. Interestingly see that the current resolution of Libya, received no votes
contrast, countries with veto power like Russia and China, the countries most opposed to the intervention, as both Russia and China, have a good customer Libya for the sale of weapons and foreign investment.
Despite being contrary to intervene, abstained from the vote, which had the potential veto amounts to support the intervention. Another case is the German abstention, abstention can be understood in the electoral key in a country with elections soon and growing opposition to his stay in Afghanistan.

And as for the other two countries decided to abstain, are India and Brazil, which together with Russia and China, are well-known BRIC countries. As well aware

Jordi Pérez, the BRICs are not interested in intervention but not interested in non-intervention, and they are interested in getting along with all countries, especially African countries.
India and Brazil are the way Chinese and Russian. Are two emerging powers and now prefer non-intervention and, at least in the case of Brazil, it takes bad with Libya (the regime released days before a Brazilian journalist Guardian one Iraqi, were arrested together.) Germany has different reasons: its history, does not like military adventures. In addition, within ten days there are elections in three important states. His intervention in Afghanistan and is unpopular. The government might not want to risk more. Obama
world And I know I will say that the Security Council is no reference in World Peace, is the same council that opposed the illegal war in Iraq and is the same advice in the now the "allies" Qaddafi, "supported" the operation.

Security Council and Iraq

France, Germany

, China



Mexico, Chile


Russia expressed its opposition to measures of force against Iraq and were supporters of a negotiated solution to the crisis. France, Russia and China, permanent members of the Security Council, called for the continuation of the work of inspectors and announced its intention to veto any document that explicitly legitimizing the attack. During these demonstrations, there were several clashes between the U.S. and countries that opposed the invasion. But in the end those who opposed the war gave way and remained neutral since the beginning of invasion.


Moreover, the opponents of the intervention, see the specter of Iraq oil. No kids, oil this time is not important
(for once in life).
Libya's oil production, while important, represents only 2% of world production (18 º producer) the difference in Iraq on 12 th producer, but it contains 10.7% of world reserves, but perhaps most important, as is its strategic position
in the area for access to Iran, Gulf countries, Turkey and part Asia.

Whoever controls Iraq -> controls the area -> controls the world's oil.

Although the country more reserves on the continent and is now the third largest producer (after Nigeria and Angola), the fact is that offshore exploration in Angola are working well and could soon overtake Libya. Perhaps the only thing that Libya could be a sweet cake, would be in the
gas and water supplies.

However, this cake, and is distributed to foreign companies
, which are not interested in intervention in Libya, and they have very good relations with Gaddafi to operate for a long time in Libya, with good results and
would be very uncertain future if
revolution triumphed, with a new government that does not look kindly on companies that financed the fortune Gaddafi to pay bribes in order to act or making management of their boards of directors.

Who are these companies? Nothing more, nothing less than European and American companies, which in theory would be more inclined to war (see Iraq) but on this occasion, certainly not in favor of a war.
Libya's oil industry is run by the National State Oil Corporation (NOC), which is responsible for implementing agreements on exploration and production sharing with international oil companies. Added to

subsidiaries under, NOC represents about 50% of the country's oil production. Starring foreign major international oil companies operating in Libya include Eni, StatoilHydro, Occidental Petroleum, OMV, ConocoPhillips, Hess Corp., Marathon, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil and Wintershall, a subsidiary of chemical company BASF. Public Report Even the ghost waving American, remind them that the U.S. only Sucks to 6% of Libyan oil. In any case who would be most interested in intervention, would be Italy (+30%) and were the first defending Berlusconi refused to Gaddafi. Therefore, the comparison between Iraq and Libya, is very bad off. By the way, I opposed the Iraq war as illegal and oil interests in any conflict would call for diplomatic intervention, before intervention, but with this speech, I find myself in a great frame of mind. A Gaddafi has been given multiple opportunities and offering diplomatic intervention of mediators who are opposed because they did not need, and it was a problem procedure. It has been warned and yet their attitude of arrogance (the same one that has helped him go from being a tyrant, to be a friend West and now again become a satrap) has denied it all and has directly laughed the rest. therefore believe that this intervention to protect civilians and prevent further slaughter, it is necessary. So I ask you to help me answer these questions, advocates of the # noalaguerra: - asked why the UN intervention in the Sahara and renounce the UN intervention in Libya? - Should we continue to provide opportunities for dialogue with a leader who has refused last week to mediation because nothing happened in Libya and that he managed it because they were internal things? - Should we let Gaddafi goes against civilians and returning to repeat the mistakes of nonintervention on which it could prevent genocides in the Balkans or Rwanda?


- Attack on Freedom Flotilla is a war crime

- Response to article in El Pais "Where's Willy (Toledo)?" Culla i Clara
Israel kills a dozen people who had help Gaza humanitarian
- Demands UN intervention against Moroccan slaughter

- Morocco Sahara fire

- No War in Libya
a conspiracy against the Libyan oil do


Resolution 1973 - Council Approved
Security 'No-Fly Zone "over Libya, Authorizing' All Necessary

- What can go wrong in Libya and why we must be optimistic
- The NATO finalizes its plan to ensure the no-fly zone over Bosnia

Iraq and Bosnia, the two antecedents of the air exclusion zones

- Libya and the oil

side 'raw'

Libya - Libya's
The oil (and water)

War of the Toyota

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wearing A Really Tight Panty Girdle

The newspaper El Mundo, an expert on playing with photographs of the covers , we again demonstrate his art on the cover of the edition of this afternoon / night. Leveraging
Günther Oettinger statements, which speak of Revelation to refer to
Fukushima, El Mundo is shown with a photograph of a fire after the tsunami. Contextualization in its pure state.

Initially (photo above), appeared without a caption, and so he spent about 1 hour, when he took the screenshot above. Shortly after 9, the photo and a caption appeared:

Firefighters extinguish a fire in the city of Kesennuma, northeastern Japan, after being devastated by the earthquake. but since then hang the picture for over an hour (with the owner below) ... performing a decontextualized, to find the fear and increase collective paranoia with nuclear is not the best at the moment, but seeing the news coverage they've had with some items nuclear case ... I'm not surprised.

Given that some British media and others like La Razon showed a mushroom cloud when the problems began to notice ... when it was actually an explosion had occurred in tanks at a refinery in Japan ... seems that in this case, anything goes, as they are doing Antena 3 ( Fears in Japan ) and sixth in its news.

PS: I first learned about photography through a twitter

Woman Stomach Sitting On Women

World and New Blogger interface or incomplete facelift

As of yesterday, Google announced renovate your blogging platform, Blogger. A renewal prori lies primarily in a visual aspect, but certainly falls short of reform, as many we miss, the existence of a trackback system as it exists in WordPress or a better integration of social networks or lack of extensions, such as with WordPress.
Major news, Google announced that users will find a more visual post editor and more intuitive, to facilitate users' work, best viewed with a ticket thanks to a redesign of the home interface and creating entries, which in part resembles Google Docs, for which use Google Web Toolkit.
Moreover, also announced the possibility of an automatic sample content related to the blog ... trying to improve interaction with others. Video

which show data about the growth of Blogger in recent years (6 most-watched websites worldwide according to Alexa, 400 million active readers ,...)


However, many bloggers, we are throwing at fault, the existence of the possibility of having the possibility of a trackback on conditions and not only backlinks from blogs to Blogger. the same way, also would miss the possibility of applying extensions, such as with WordPress, one of the secrets of the success of rival Blogger, allowing tremendous flexibility to users, especially for Blogger those who find it small.

time ago, Google Analytics integrated within the user control panel, although the problem of Google Analytics, is that you do not records all the visits you really have, but it is a very useful tool for knowing where and how to get traffic to your blog. Finally, better integration of social networks, with better buttons to share articles, would be another point to add.

I said, a renewal, but very little, although it was announced in the same news is that there are significant developments that will be unveiled throughout this 2011. Hopefully this is true.
More information:

communique from Google: What's new with Blogger

Google's platform for creating and posting blogs, announce new features and improvements.

Google, finally renews the Blogger interface

Friday, March 11, 2011

Best Free Kates Playground

barefoot watch the sea

and decided to take off my shoes!

thanks for making my birthday a special day!

Archive Milena Velba News

The man who almost kept the Bosnian War Be

Shortly before the Bosnian war, the talks between the delegations of Serbia, Muslim and Croat were not on track. Jose Cutileiro, Portuguese diplomat who was part of those conversations at the request of Lord Carrington proposed a solution that
contemplated cantonisation Bosnian state. However, nobody in the EU or the countries involved, he made the case ( be from a child as was Portugal.) If you make a case, perhaps would have avoided a war and thousands dead.

Although many people believe that Jose Cutileiro, inadvertently fell into the trap Balkans to access the ethnic division of Bosnia and cantonal preparation of maps, those same people, should recognize that its proposals were about the same who left the Dayton Accords.

On March 18, 1992, the three leaders of the countries involved in the conflict came to sign a declaration of principles instituted to Bosnia as "a state composed of three constituent units established on national principles and criteria that took into account economic, geographic and other ".
Thus, Bosnia-Herzegovina was formed as a federation in which the central power, only be responsible for the economy, monetary policy, defense and foreign affairs . In addition, creating a parliament with two chambers, one elected by direct suffrage and the other composed of an equal number of representatives of all three nationalities.

My reference date is more recent. It is 1992. A year ago, the April 7 of that year, the international press announced solemnly that "the Twelve recognized the independence of Bosnia-Herzegovina." Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro, Herald Tribune and Le Nouvel Observateur stressed the importance of a "sub-conference" chaired by the Portuguese ambassador, Jose Cutileiro, which are representatives of the three constituent ethnic groups, Serbs, Croats and Muslims had joined the idea of \u200b\u200ba Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina. "The Twelve consider that the armed actions triggered by radical Serbs, who wanted to dismantle the Republic and its integration into the group formed by Serbia and Montenegro, were not representative of mainstream population." Correspondent. Le Monde added that the recent peace demonstrations in the streets Sarajevo could only confirm this analysis. However, the Croatian President Tudjman warned: "You can not be avoided, carnage in Bosnia without decisive intervention by the Twelve or the UN."

The Country

Peace Plan Carrington-Cutileiro - February March 1992 - Image

Both delegations of Serbia and Croatia agreed to most of what was supposed to start a state cantonal (came to negotiate the transfer of populations from one country to another), but Bosnia is not accepted as the president at the time,

Alia Izetbegovic, only managed to agree to go to Lisbon after Cutilheiro give him the guarantee of the unity of the country. After
give and take, in separate meetings with the mediator Cutileiro, delegations of Serbia, Muslims and Croats accepted the transformation of Bosnia into a unitary state, but made up of three communities, according to the so-called "model Belgian ".
However, it was Portuguese Cutilheiro (a smaller country in the diplomatic policy of the EU) did not help. Surely if German would have ratified the agreement, but certainly did not help that in breast EU, just be given support for the proposal and some countries were on their own negotiations with the Serbs and Croats ... so that the agreement had more or less talk and more or less ended in writing ... the trash.

Shortly thereafter, the Bosnian president, Alija Izetbegovic, rejected all signed and just going back. It is assumed that the sudden change of heart was due to the advice American Ambassador, Warren Zimmermann

, as the United States by friends in Muslim countries, indirectly helped Bosnia-Herzegovina, in a manner similar to what Germany did with the sale of arms to the separatists.

From that fateful day, Tuesday, April 7, a case is made public. There is a Bosnian village, consisting of three main ethnic groups. This town is clustered in a fairly well-defined territory covering Herzegovina. There are a republic. And if you do not already exist, just do ble formed under the effect of the statement of the Bosnians and the support of the Europeans. Therefore, I say, against all the tricks that are put forward realistic today, Tuesday April 7, 1992 the Europeans contracted together for a historic compromise. But the May 24, 1993 re tract have him affirm a year ago created a nation and now accepted his disappearance. Finally argues that the recognition of a Bosnian state had the strength of an alliance. It is the first time that the Europe of the Twelve does not honor a contract of such importance.

The Country

As well aware Juan Antonio Yanez, Spain's ambassador to the UN in 1993, in an interview in THE COUNTRY:

P. Does the responsibility for what happened lies with the EC?

R. Until the mid-92, the UN involvement was relatively peripheral. Diplomatic efforts to achieve peace in the community focused. I remember a few months later, the Portuguese presidency, there was a new proposal: the partition of Bosnia with a confederal scheme. The plan was to Jose Cutilheiro, mediator Portuguese for the track, a brilliant diplomat. Muslims were not accepted. Pushed for international recognition in principle that Europe managed to accept Bosnia as a new State. It was the time when Europe was being drafted Maastricht and felt elated, confident. Tried to do many things. Yugoslav politician told me that the war could have been stopped if Europe had told all the republics that never achieved entry into the EC separately.

The Country

Even in 1993, the Serb-Croat proposals were virtually identical to those of Cutileiro:

Serbo-Croatian proposals in Geneva on the future of Bosnia have been allowed to present, so far, three documents: 1. A nine-point text that lists the constitutional principles that would govern a Bosnia confederal, divided into three autonomous republics. 2. An article, entitled "Agreement for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina" states that the provisions relating to the cessation of hostilities and discussed under the Vance-Owen plan, and revived would be based on territorial division accepted.

3. The third text requires agreements on the functioning of the administration in the transition period, pending elections.

The Country


result Everything we talked it did not help at all and the war continued, with the consequences all more or less know. Depending on the sources consulted, the death toll is between 60,000 and 200,000 dead included ethnic cleansing and about 2.5 million refugees .. The war ended with the Battle of Western Bosnia and the Bosnian Serb army's defeat, so soon after Slobodan Milosevic
signed the Dayton accords on November 21, 1995, along with
Izetbegovic and Franjo Tudjman Croatian

The Constitution Bosnia out the Dayton accords and justifies the division of Bosnia-Herzegovina into two entities: the "Republika Srpska", Serbia, and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Muslim-Croat federation). But
the other nationalist gives too much leeway to impose vetoes if they feel their interests threatened.

The current Constitution and prevent the development of a culture of commitment, however, an issue vital to overcome the next stages of integration into the European Union.


Today, Bosnia and Herzegovina, despite attempts to administrative unification, remains a major headache for the negatives of different peoples to recognize a same country, with separate officers, companies different train, different judicial, legislative assemblies of each community Ethnic ... with the "division of the country" in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska.
Dayton agreements established two states "ethnically pure" (due to the physical elimination "murder" or expulsion of ethnic minorities among the inhabitants of the country. Thus arose: the Serbian Republic of Bosnia (Srpska) and the Croat-Muslim . Federacija Bosne i Hecegovine).

This division was created by the 1995 Dayton Agreement, which was later joined by the autonomous city of Brcko (Brcko Distrikt) in 2000, located northeast of the country occupied areas the two main entities of the Bosnian state.
form of government in Bosnia Herzegovina has a bicameral Parliament. The current president is elected on a rotational basis between representatives of each of the minorities, Muslim, Serb and Croat.

territorial entities are based on the positions on the ground were the forces that were holding the armed conflict in the time it was formally signed the 1995 Dayton Agreement, in response to the devastating changes in the ethnic structure Bosnia and Herzegovina product of war.

The third level of political and administrative subdivision Bosnia and Herzegovina, manifested through the cantons, but these are only found in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There are ten cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, each of which has its own cantonal government, which are under the Constitution of the Federation. Some of the cantons have different ethnic and therefore have special laws to balance the forces between the ethnic groups.

Bosnia-Herzegovina- Wikipedia

little more information about the Plan in English


And to think that everything could have been avoided if the case did José Cutileiro plan ... but the truth, Cutileiro cases like there are in all wars. diplomats who tried to reach agreements with all parties before whatever happened to that end, the result was very similar to the original proposal, in exchange for many deaths on the road.


A José Cutileiro and the existence of that possibility of war, I met him thanks to book
"The Balkan Trap" by Francisco Veiga

More information:

The end of the Bosnian nightmare

Serbs, Croats and Muslims seek peace in Lisbon

Jose Cutileiro , 2
3 and 4

- Jean Daniel - Requiem for Bosnia
- Dissolution of Yugoslavia

- Serb leader Karadzic accepted the establishment of "corridors" in Bosnia-Herzegovina humanitarian

- Dayton

- Belgium as a model

- Brussels myopic strategy
From Bosnia to Iraq: misery of intervention in the former Ottoman

Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina
The presidency of Bosnia requires Izetbegovic who chooses to represent the State or Muslims

Back to the Future

Bosnia's Failed Peace Plans
Peace Plans Offered Before and During The Bosnian War
- Letter
smooths the way talks on Bosnia, Lord Carrington has Dismissed His feud with the UN chief as a 'dead duck'. Annika Savill spoke to him Before the international peace conference in London

America instigated the war in Bosnia

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nose Drips Clear Liquid

what you did and the effect

is well known in the English blogosphere known as menéame effect, the massive influx of users that occurs in a web page, when it comes to home news aggregator, which in some websites may block the linked site. However, yesterday one could see quite well what the effect google, because it is cited in I Know What You Did La Sexta something and hearing much of the run to see what they say in the program.

Following the famous photographs of Eroski Malaga, many netizens spread like wildfire to check if they were true images of scantily clad ladies. Because of the mess created in mid-afternoon of the day in question, Google announced it would case to see what had happened and his response was not long.

Yesterday morning, Google "retired" the results of Google Images ladies so if someone wanted Eroski Malaga, he only appeared 3 results of the item. But there was talk of the subject in I Know What You Did La Sexta, this blog did indeed suffer a google search to mass produced and only 2 images appear. At that time, there were only 2 results concerning the Eroski Malaga and scantily clad ladies and one of them was this blog, with a pixilated picture taken the Facebook blog Tuenti vs South Journal, which made a screenshot of Google Images.

But nevertheless, despite the increase in visits, it was nothing compared to what "wins" when the topic was discussed in I Know What You Did. Shortly before three of the four in the afternoon, in the program account what happened in Google and Eroski (to the minute 1:20)

" What happened then?
Part of the audience found if what is said in the program itself was true and found images that appeared were appearing.
At that time, about 3,000 users simultaneously
for several minutes logged onto Google Images and enter the first result (of only three that had) came directly to this page, in the entry on the topic [ Eroski Malaga, Google Images and global trending topic (nsfw)
In little more than 1 hour, this page is the same
unique visitors it receives in about two months (on a 15,000) and since yesterday, the input has already received over 70,000 visits (61,000 only yesterday, which are
unique visitors this blog gets more than 5 months).

No doubt to this day, the first image that appears on the subject, take this blog, it is certainly a help, so that currently about 100 concurrent users consult only this entry . The truth is that Digg effect, what happened next, falls short, in the rare occasions that unless some strong entries of Digg that in addition to the page you will also receive visits by other media such as Twitter or Facebook, something that this post has not happened. Later

after 8 of afternoon, the news came out in The Sixth Edition News night, which turned to notice a new effect google, but this time of fewer people (800 unique users).

This entry, could serve as an example of importance of a media-named something If the subject is interesting and the audience may be interested in the subject and have access to internet, the Google effect, is almost assured. Use
ecology to exploit niches visits Google offers is something interesting for a student of biology (
What nature can teach economics )

NOTE I hope to return to resume the blog on the topic of next few days, although this autochupada Mr. Wolf would say, he could not avoid.

More 6170844_google-retiro-las-im.png -
Eroski Malaga, Google Images and global trending

topic - Digg Effect Anatomy
- Eroski Malaga things Google

Monday, March 7, 2011

Water Proof Revlon Foundation

Eroski Malaga google, Google Images and global trending topic (nsfw)

So the joke with the word of mouth to see what things ... Eroski Malaga became global trending topic on Twitter # Eroski Malaga

. But in reality, what is "Eroski Malaga? Everyone would say it's a chain establishment Eroski Malaga. So far so good, but sometimes fiction can overtake reality and when one looks "Eroski Malaga" on Google Images in fact what you see, are a very scantily clad girls.

image blog Tuenti vs Facebook
South Journal - Note: Housed in a hosting +18 Everything should be the portal of advertising Ad World, where there is room for ad announced relax and company, the people who advertise, advertised as being in the Zone Eroski, but the Google search engine did the rest and actually increases relevance labeled "Eroski Malaga."

6170845_visitas-gogole.png L
to blame is actually World Advertisement, or the people who put the notice of world ad, announce that they are in "Zone Eroski" of Malaga, although the images do not carry the alt tag "Eroski Malaga" if they have much relevant text around it, such as headers h1 with text "Eroski Zone" or "Málaga".


why Google includes these images?
Almost all are small company whose pictures have been uploaded to a network of free advertisements in this case,
with reference to location in the area of \u200b\u200b"Eroski Malaga." A logical confusion to a machine as the browser includes these terms and relates them to the search of the hypermarket, but the less surprising for the average Internet user.

La Opinión de Málaga

The worst thing is that
Google SafeSearch filter, which in theory should disable these results, it does not moderate its
(although in the strict).

Many users prefer to have no adult content in search results, especially if your children use the same computer. Google's SafeSearch filters allow you to change your browser settings to prevent adult content from appearing in search results. Google uses automated methods to identify content that is offensive and is constantly working to improve based on user feedback. In the case of content sexually explicit, our filter is mainly based on algorithms that take into account various factors, including links, keywords and images. No filter is 100% accurate, SafeSearch can help to exclude the majority of such content.

Google SafeSearch filter

As if that were not enough, when searching in Google Images
"Eroski Murcia
us out again another surprise, but this time with scantily clad gentlemen . Murcia actually seem to be lucid because
Carrefour Murcia
also has offerings in the food section . " "Hospitals Pamplona" , "station area", "renfe coruña
" (another hit of the moment ).... but of course had not reached such extremes as now, if some of the most discussed online in the last hours.
As you say a comment in Digg MrQeu 6159904_eroski-malaga.jpg
Many young women who sell sex in their small apartment in rent living in a certain area of \u200b\u200bMalaga. A area known as "the Eroski", through the mall there. The same goes Teatinos neighborhood. The

supermarket chain Eroski
continues its expansion: After acquiring over the last five years, Consumer and Caprabo
, has decided to set up in eastern countries.
Poland was the first goal, and success has been resounding. And all thanks to its motto: To provide the freshest meat Europe.

# eroskimalaga "Mom Mom! Why dad always want to go alone to Eroski Malaga? "Because the meat is cheaper there son ...

@ ToteGon82 on Twitter

appears that
Eroski Malaga
have found an effective way to "speed up the queue" in google images More
MeJenny66 on Twitter Twitter

More Eroski Malaga looking

Best of all, has been the Eroski chain reaction, taking it with humor

You do not decide when or how to become a global topic Trending. Eroski
Twitter Moreover, Google's answer is always, the fault lies not with them but try to fix it.
At this time, yet this combination of words contained in the first position of the "current issues" of this platform, like the term "Eroski", which ranks first in cities like Madrid and Murcia, according to tool for real-time trends for Twitter "Trendsmap." As indicated by the sources EFEAgro Google, the company analyzes this phenomenon and explores the reasons why house that has occurred this relationship between the names of these companies, cities and pornographic images displayed and which are related to the direction of a particular website. They have detailed not often occur in these situations and Google what search engines do is to track and relate the information that is available on the net with the words the user wants to look. Eroski

sources explained to EFEAgro their legal services are working to resolve this situation. Throughout the day today the Google images search has linked the words "Eroski Malaga," Eroski Murcia "," Carrefour Murcia "," El Corte Inglés Córdoba " and "Renfe Coruña" pornographic images. DNA

If you like, you can vote the news



- - Eroski Malaga
things Google
- The hottest Eroski Malaga anywhere!

- Go cashiers are in the Eroski Malaga (Humor, NSFW)

Forocoches - Look on Google Images EROSKI MALAGA WTF!

- Google searches
not suitable for children: Eroski Malaga Renfe

Coruña -
Eroski Malaga or the dangers of the association of ideas online
- "Eroski Malaga" and "Hospitals Pamplona, \u200b\u200btwo expressions 'porno' to Google

Eroski Malaga, a very hot search

Eroski Malaga, but only for Google porn

- "
Eroski Malaga" Google sometimes not is not easy

Eroski Malaga and Google Bombing: be trending topic unwittingly
Eroski Malaga is trending topic on Twitter for porn on Google results

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dizzines Cervical Myelopathy

History March 8. Play

The video then I suggest helps us to go to the history and reasons that led to the c onmemoració n of International Women's Day every March 8.

This year 2011, the theme that the UN has chosen to commemorate International Women's Day is:
"Equal access to education, training and science and Technology:
the road to decent work for women. "

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cheap Dragon Coffee Table

Rising food prices is not speculation

In recent months we have been witnessing a steady rise in grain prices. Corn, wheat ... all steadily rising. If the food crisis of 2007 some of the blame was due to speculation and biofuels, this time virtually most of the increases are due to bad weather which affected the main grain producers in the world in key times production, in which speculation has had little to do.


fusky (Iván Sánchez) on Flickr

Between 2007 and 2008 together different factors that caused a global food crisis of enormous depth. On the one hand coupled crop loss due to drought and floods, as he ended going to Australia and Canada as well as increasing the dedication of the production of corn and sugar cane for biofuels.
Moreover, some funds of hedge at the time (with money at a time when you could not see the crisis) also decided to speculate on the raw materials of food (mainly maize and wheat) with a relatively satisfactory outcome to their interests.
was also increased demand in Asian countries, especially China and India, unable to meet its growing new middle class population, calling for better food and a greater production of meat products and indirectly an increase in prices of milk powder that led to European farmers to prices not seen for many years. addition
also coincided with increased oil and fertilizer, which meant that many acres could not be sown or planted in the middle capacity, because the cost per hectare increased.
2010 - 2011

This time we see as the prices of cereals are steadily rising for months. In the past eight months, corn and wheat have doubled in price and sugar has risen by 150%, but in recent weeks appears to be a tendency to decrease. In December, the highest price recorded in the last 25 years of sugar.
To see how it has been this rise in grain prices, we must look back to August 2010, when two of the leading producers of cereals in the world, announced that they would issues to meet global demand and the fact is that production has declined over 2009 in 2 of the most popular major cereals such as maize and wheat.
In the 2009-2010 cycle of maize reserve was 147 million tonnes, "for the period 2010-2011, decreased to 127 million tonnes, 20 million less."

The wheat reserves of 197 million tonnes, which had in the previous cycle, fell to 178 million tonnes in the current, ie 19 million tonnes in that cycle.


In August 2010, the fourth largest producer of cereals, announced that temporarily banned exports of wheat, due to severe droughts in the summer months, with the highest temperatures in the last 130 years. A drought in nearly 30 Russian regions (20% of arable land) and causing the export ban in anticipation of what may happen and also as a measure to keep prices at the domestic level.

In 2009, Russian production of wheat was 90 million tons and in August it expected the final production was between 70 and 75 million tonnes. The difference of the 20 million tonnes, was what allowed Russia to be one of the largest exporter last year and prices to keep both internally and externally. Only

earlier this year announced it would lift the ban on wheat exports, domestic demand once stabilized, albeit at the cost of 30% of total production of Russian wheat. Something similar happened to the countries of the region such as Kazakhstan or Ukraine, with great production of cereal and suffered similar situations. To look a little on the importance of these countries, cereal countries of the former republics of the USSR are considered the "granary of Europe" by the amount and quality of their materials. China

Food demand in China was one of many factors responsible for causing rising food prices in the crisis of 2007-2008. With an aging population, an increasing demand for more power and better quality, the Chinese authorities are in the position that it must increase the country's output of all products, although not sufficient to supply the population internal. despite floods and increased by 10% in the market, the final estimated production grew 2% due to the high production areas of the northeast and Inner Mongolia (NW) which recorded an increase in production from 13.4% to a total of 117.79 million tonnes, although in a lower quality.

However this increase in production did little to stop price increases, one of the tasks of the Chinese government to curb inflation due to rising food prices.

The Ministry of Agriculture said the drought has worsened in some wheat producing regions in spite of the recent snowfall.
Large areas in northern China have been little rainfall since October, affecting millions of hectares of crops and leaving many people with shortage of drinking water.
China is the world's largest producer of wheat and analysts say the shortage could affect wheat prices worldwide. BBC

According to the latest news coming,
recent rains and snowfall have improved the situation somewhat
, but will have to see the effects that may occur in the coming months could suffer the effects of land crop water stress by that time, they should not have it.

The rains also helped ease the pressure on water resources water resources in Shandong saving 1,600 million cubic meters of water that could have been used for irrigation without the arrival of rains, he said. The winter wheat crop accounts for 95 percent of the gross production of wheat in China, which is the world's leading producer of cereal.

The statement said that local governments in the eight regions are irrigated 117.5 million mu of planting winter wheat, which represents more than 40 percent of the total area.

Since the fall, local governments in these regions have mobilized more than 14 million people to help irrigate 190 million mu of winter wheat, 69 percent of the total.
(Xinhua) 01/03/2011

Canada, Pakistan, Australia ...
On the one hand, Pakistan, the ninth largest producer of wheat, suffered severe floods in the Punjab, the breadbasket of Pakistan, which significantly affected the production of both the 2010 and 2011, as the excess of water in some areas can lead to a deterioration of the earth.
Canada, eighth world cereal producer, announced by the time production problems, but finally seems to have stabilized as well as Australia, with a considerable deterioration of grain quality, as both countries as Russia and China, passed unexpected seasonal rainfall and drought in key moments of the production.
Something similar is what happened in Spain, wheat production fell by over 10%, by the rains of last winter.
In fact, this global decline in production, in part, has benefited English farmers who have seen the price of wheat and maize grew something (retrieved the price for years) and in recent years, the 'granaries of Europe 'as calls to Russia and Ukraine, flooding the European market with cereal and caused a fall in cereal prices.

United States?

The Second World cereal producer, managed to weather the storm was coming, and were not in a flood and drought as severe as with the other countries.

Thus, the production of maize and wheat-based stabilized but send less corn for biofuel production and total production of corn lowered by 4% and 10% in soybean, despite increase in acreage is destined for these products.

Biofuels Biofuels raw materials to food can still represent a significant part of total (corn or sugar cane sugar remained crucial in the production of biofuels in the U.S. and Brazil, respectively) but as the years go by, we are witnessing a race against time to try without them.

In recent years, the petrochemical companies are increasingly designed to leave more food resources as they are an expensive resource, which does not have a stable price (as we see) and low energy content.

So every time increases algae research or the use of plant products, not dependent on a futures market to avoid dependence on a few swings and a price increase ever going to be higher. Hence, there is increasing research with algae and most importantly, further investigation with micro-identification of genes involved or the identification of metabolic pathways by degradation of products such as MSW or plant remains mainly Escherichia coli

and the introduction of certain genes
Bacteria and biofuels

Exxon and BP, have long been working on growing algae for fuel production from them, as well as sequencing of organisms with useful in the production of fuels such as algae, microorganisms, etc. ... and that soon we will hear quite interesting.

For example in Spain there are some interesting research in the field of fungal

quite good results


Why? Are easy to grow, they are cheap and produce large amounts of product without affecting the extension of cultivation and human consumption.

An example of what we say about the volatility of the use of food resources, is that a few months ago, the

European Union was considering solutions to the lack of sugar in the EU market by the fall in production

the eliminate quotas for biodiesel to give them the food consumption.

In the last week, after production reached the end and proceed to stored sugar,

EU has authorized the sale of sugar produced outside the quota to lower prices and sugar import tariff-free .

The decision was taken by the 27 experts at a meeting this Thursday and will also temporarily lift, to 500,000 tons, the sanction of 500 euros per tonne which hangs over the production is "out of quota" allowed margins for producers. Generally, surplus production is removed from the market and stored or punishes the product.
Problems sugar supply in the European market and high prices in the international channels have been to Brussels to announce also that the March 1 open an import quota of 300,000 tonnes of crude or refined sugar free tariff.

Europa Press

speculators this time has had little to do with the rise in grain prices.
one hand the supply and demand factor has taken the lead in all future negotiations, so the speculation "Unique" they did was go to the trailer of the situation and partly the countries themselves have been responsible for rising prices when they announced they could not meet production.

And in the case of raw materials, most processors need to buy the production months in advance in order to ensure raw material to work, while costs should watch, etc ...

Something similar to what food is what is expected to cotton, which has already been uploaded a few months of the fall in production in producer countries and increased demand in the main consumers. We return again to the offer and demand.

The high demand for cotton in China's factories, shortages in producing countries such as India and Pakistan and weather impact on crops in Australia and Russia have quadrupled the price of the raw material for textile industry just two years. Gradually increase has reached all the links in the chain leading manufacturer of fabric

have risen up to 30% prices vendors that will affect the increase in retail price.

Asensio says that in the case of China's manufacturers have raised prices up to 40% after

the cotton futures have jumped by 14% so far this year and
more than 75% in 2010, according to Bloomberg data

. In February even more pronounced upward climb and marked a new high,

breaking the barrier of $ 2 per pound

first time in history. At present, due May contracts traded on the commodities market
New York to $ 2.06 a pound, four times the price at which they were in the same period in 2009, when it traded at 57 cents.

Attempting to unmount conspiranciones

One of the arguments wielded by Conspiranoids to defend the argument that speculators are to blame, is that since they are part of investment funds, the prices of cereals have increased. The truth is that big claims, it requires great truths and as always, great claims are not just met.

If you look at the chart below the FAO index of food prices , we look that between 2008 and 2009, prices were an important down due to good harvests and oil prices and fertilizer was reduced in those times. All this contributed to lower prices in a time when speculators were already.

Uploaded with

I know I will say is that from the 90, prices have been low and it's true, but in the 90 not envisioned the emergence of the BRIC countries and increased consumption in these countries or because they have become major manufacturers as happens to the "big factory china" or because the average population is growing at high rates as happens to China, India and Brazil, where in no time have gone from a widely poor start to observe a middle-class population that increasingly demand better products and better quality.
All this, not to mention the increase in world population

, the rising price of oil and fertlizantes and despite growing areas have increased, the reality is that adverse weather conditions have also increased.

The next few years

Forecasts International Grains Council (IGC), the increase in prices may be encouraged to increase the acreage is used for growing wheat and maize by 3.6% between 2011 and 2012, although as we have seen, increased production does not necessarily mean lower prices because there is always the weather factor that can derail the forecasts, especially in something so dependent on the conditions of floods and droughts as an agricultural crop.

FAO estimates, based on the results of this winter is to be a good harvest in late 2011, but it all depends on what happens during spring and summer, two key stations were those that caused now the price hike.

However, climate change will increasingly make more palpable and the phenomena of drought and floods will become more frequent which will force the plant breeding of crops to make them less vulnerable to these conditions, as well as with artificial selection as with the rice and wheat or transgenic varieties better adapted to extreme conditions so as to increase the temperature expected in the coming years.

The Earth's temperature increase over the next decade at least 2.4 degrees Celsius and, if kept current distribution patterns, the planet can not feed its human population, according to a study released today. The report was released by the U.S. subsidiary of Universal Ecological Foundation of Argentina. According to the study, 55 pages, by 2020 there will be on the planet more than 900 million human beings, for a total of 7,800 million, and "global food production will not be sufficient to meet demand." "For more than 20 years, scientists have warned about the impact of climate change, but nothing changes apart from increased emissions that cause global warming," said Liliana Hisas Faith, executive director of the U.S. subsidiary of the organization.

Osvaldo Canziani, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 and scientific advisor to the report, said that "everyone is recorded weather events and extreme weather conditions, and increases in average surface temperatures will exacerbate the intensity of these episodes. " According to the authors, in 2020 a deficit of 14 percent in production and demand for wheat, from 11 percent for rice and 9 per cent for maize. EPA As we have seen, there is always speculation is the culprit. simply due to reduced supply and increased demand
OK, how can Affect speculation this picture? The answer is, it has to work-through Accumulation of Inventories - physical inventory. If futures prices induce high INCREASED storage, this you reduce the quantity available to Consumers, and it CAN raise the price. And you can, in fact-, Argue That something like this has-been happening for cotton and copper, Where There Are Apparently large and growing inventory.
But for food, it's just Not happening: Are low and falling stocks.

Paul Krugman - Signatures of Speculation

NOTE although the current has changed with respect as above, to update the latest on the production and the FAO reports.

- Signatures of Speculation

- Soaring Food Prices

The CIC cut its production forecasts for corn

The solution to food prices

Honduras: High international grain prices depressed local market

warn low grain reserves

- The price of corn compensates for losses

- DROUGHT IN RUSSIAN double-edged sword

- THE 'SHOCK' OF FOOD PRICES could be built
- Severe flooding in China
decrease production

China shows the way of raw materials

cereal production in China increased by 2.9% in 2010

cereal prices continue to escalate their
- Six key questions: Why raise the price of food?

China intensifies efforts to combat drought in wheat-producing regions

- warn low grain reserves

- New food crisis?

- Bajan
grain inventories in the U.S.

world wheat production would increase by 3.6% between 2011 and 2012
- / ALeqM5j-_5qT5TuX7rWgytoYTddOoZNRIQ? docid = 1445497

Why raise the price of cereal?

- China: Drought threatens wheat crops

- Flooding in China and drought in Russia threaten global food supply and prices shot

- Russia suspends the export of grain until the end of the year by drought

wheat production in Spain will fall In 2010, a 16%
warn other markets boom in Russia the price of wheat shoots
Wheat futures soar in U.S.. U.S.

- global food crisis (2007-2008)

- cereal production in Russia will fall to 70-75 million tonnes by Agriculture

analyze the impact of biofuels on food prices