Friday, March 11, 2011

Archive Milena Velba News

The man who almost kept the Bosnian War Be

Shortly before the Bosnian war, the talks between the delegations of Serbia, Muslim and Croat were not on track. Jose Cutileiro, Portuguese diplomat who was part of those conversations at the request of Lord Carrington proposed a solution that
contemplated cantonisation Bosnian state. However, nobody in the EU or the countries involved, he made the case ( be from a child as was Portugal.) If you make a case, perhaps would have avoided a war and thousands dead.

Although many people believe that Jose Cutileiro, inadvertently fell into the trap Balkans to access the ethnic division of Bosnia and cantonal preparation of maps, those same people, should recognize that its proposals were about the same who left the Dayton Accords.

On March 18, 1992, the three leaders of the countries involved in the conflict came to sign a declaration of principles instituted to Bosnia as "a state composed of three constituent units established on national principles and criteria that took into account economic, geographic and other ".
Thus, Bosnia-Herzegovina was formed as a federation in which the central power, only be responsible for the economy, monetary policy, defense and foreign affairs . In addition, creating a parliament with two chambers, one elected by direct suffrage and the other composed of an equal number of representatives of all three nationalities.

My reference date is more recent. It is 1992. A year ago, the April 7 of that year, the international press announced solemnly that "the Twelve recognized the independence of Bosnia-Herzegovina." Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro, Herald Tribune and Le Nouvel Observateur stressed the importance of a "sub-conference" chaired by the Portuguese ambassador, Jose Cutileiro, which are representatives of the three constituent ethnic groups, Serbs, Croats and Muslims had joined the idea of \u200b\u200ba Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina. "The Twelve consider that the armed actions triggered by radical Serbs, who wanted to dismantle the Republic and its integration into the group formed by Serbia and Montenegro, were not representative of mainstream population." Correspondent. Le Monde added that the recent peace demonstrations in the streets Sarajevo could only confirm this analysis. However, the Croatian President Tudjman warned: "You can not be avoided, carnage in Bosnia without decisive intervention by the Twelve or the UN."

The Country

Peace Plan Carrington-Cutileiro - February March 1992 - Image

Both delegations of Serbia and Croatia agreed to most of what was supposed to start a state cantonal (came to negotiate the transfer of populations from one country to another), but Bosnia is not accepted as the president at the time,

Alia Izetbegovic, only managed to agree to go to Lisbon after Cutilheiro give him the guarantee of the unity of the country. After
give and take, in separate meetings with the mediator Cutileiro, delegations of Serbia, Muslims and Croats accepted the transformation of Bosnia into a unitary state, but made up of three communities, according to the so-called "model Belgian ".
However, it was Portuguese Cutilheiro (a smaller country in the diplomatic policy of the EU) did not help. Surely if German would have ratified the agreement, but certainly did not help that in breast EU, just be given support for the proposal and some countries were on their own negotiations with the Serbs and Croats ... so that the agreement had more or less talk and more or less ended in writing ... the trash.

Shortly thereafter, the Bosnian president, Alija Izetbegovic, rejected all signed and just going back. It is assumed that the sudden change of heart was due to the advice American Ambassador, Warren Zimmermann

, as the United States by friends in Muslim countries, indirectly helped Bosnia-Herzegovina, in a manner similar to what Germany did with the sale of arms to the separatists.

From that fateful day, Tuesday, April 7, a case is made public. There is a Bosnian village, consisting of three main ethnic groups. This town is clustered in a fairly well-defined territory covering Herzegovina. There are a republic. And if you do not already exist, just do ble formed under the effect of the statement of the Bosnians and the support of the Europeans. Therefore, I say, against all the tricks that are put forward realistic today, Tuesday April 7, 1992 the Europeans contracted together for a historic compromise. But the May 24, 1993 re tract have him affirm a year ago created a nation and now accepted his disappearance. Finally argues that the recognition of a Bosnian state had the strength of an alliance. It is the first time that the Europe of the Twelve does not honor a contract of such importance.

The Country

As well aware Juan Antonio Yanez, Spain's ambassador to the UN in 1993, in an interview in THE COUNTRY:

P. Does the responsibility for what happened lies with the EC?

R. Until the mid-92, the UN involvement was relatively peripheral. Diplomatic efforts to achieve peace in the community focused. I remember a few months later, the Portuguese presidency, there was a new proposal: the partition of Bosnia with a confederal scheme. The plan was to Jose Cutilheiro, mediator Portuguese for the track, a brilliant diplomat. Muslims were not accepted. Pushed for international recognition in principle that Europe managed to accept Bosnia as a new State. It was the time when Europe was being drafted Maastricht and felt elated, confident. Tried to do many things. Yugoslav politician told me that the war could have been stopped if Europe had told all the republics that never achieved entry into the EC separately.

The Country

Even in 1993, the Serb-Croat proposals were virtually identical to those of Cutileiro:

Serbo-Croatian proposals in Geneva on the future of Bosnia have been allowed to present, so far, three documents: 1. A nine-point text that lists the constitutional principles that would govern a Bosnia confederal, divided into three autonomous republics. 2. An article, entitled "Agreement for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina" states that the provisions relating to the cessation of hostilities and discussed under the Vance-Owen plan, and revived would be based on territorial division accepted.

3. The third text requires agreements on the functioning of the administration in the transition period, pending elections.

The Country


result Everything we talked it did not help at all and the war continued, with the consequences all more or less know. Depending on the sources consulted, the death toll is between 60,000 and 200,000 dead included ethnic cleansing and about 2.5 million refugees .. The war ended with the Battle of Western Bosnia and the Bosnian Serb army's defeat, so soon after Slobodan Milosevic
signed the Dayton accords on November 21, 1995, along with
Izetbegovic and Franjo Tudjman Croatian

The Constitution Bosnia out the Dayton accords and justifies the division of Bosnia-Herzegovina into two entities: the "Republika Srpska", Serbia, and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Muslim-Croat federation). But
the other nationalist gives too much leeway to impose vetoes if they feel their interests threatened.

The current Constitution and prevent the development of a culture of commitment, however, an issue vital to overcome the next stages of integration into the European Union.


Today, Bosnia and Herzegovina, despite attempts to administrative unification, remains a major headache for the negatives of different peoples to recognize a same country, with separate officers, companies different train, different judicial, legislative assemblies of each community Ethnic ... with the "division of the country" in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska.
Dayton agreements established two states "ethnically pure" (due to the physical elimination "murder" or expulsion of ethnic minorities among the inhabitants of the country. Thus arose: the Serbian Republic of Bosnia (Srpska) and the Croat-Muslim . Federacija Bosne i Hecegovine).

This division was created by the 1995 Dayton Agreement, which was later joined by the autonomous city of Brcko (Brcko Distrikt) in 2000, located northeast of the country occupied areas the two main entities of the Bosnian state.
form of government in Bosnia Herzegovina has a bicameral Parliament. The current president is elected on a rotational basis between representatives of each of the minorities, Muslim, Serb and Croat.

territorial entities are based on the positions on the ground were the forces that were holding the armed conflict in the time it was formally signed the 1995 Dayton Agreement, in response to the devastating changes in the ethnic structure Bosnia and Herzegovina product of war.

The third level of political and administrative subdivision Bosnia and Herzegovina, manifested through the cantons, but these are only found in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There are ten cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, each of which has its own cantonal government, which are under the Constitution of the Federation. Some of the cantons have different ethnic and therefore have special laws to balance the forces between the ethnic groups.

Bosnia-Herzegovina- Wikipedia

little more information about the Plan in English


And to think that everything could have been avoided if the case did José Cutileiro plan ... but the truth, Cutileiro cases like there are in all wars. diplomats who tried to reach agreements with all parties before whatever happened to that end, the result was very similar to the original proposal, in exchange for many deaths on the road.


A José Cutileiro and the existence of that possibility of war, I met him thanks to book
"The Balkan Trap" by Francisco Veiga

More information:

The end of the Bosnian nightmare

Serbs, Croats and Muslims seek peace in Lisbon

Jose Cutileiro , 2
3 and 4

- Jean Daniel - Requiem for Bosnia
- Dissolution of Yugoslavia

- Serb leader Karadzic accepted the establishment of "corridors" in Bosnia-Herzegovina humanitarian

- Dayton

- Belgium as a model

- Brussels myopic strategy
From Bosnia to Iraq: misery of intervention in the former Ottoman

Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina
The presidency of Bosnia requires Izetbegovic who chooses to represent the State or Muslims

Back to the Future

Bosnia's Failed Peace Plans
Peace Plans Offered Before and During The Bosnian War
- Letter
smooths the way talks on Bosnia, Lord Carrington has Dismissed His feud with the UN chief as a 'dead duck'. Annika Savill spoke to him Before the international peace conference in London

America instigated the war in Bosnia


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