Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nose Drips Clear Liquid

what you did and the effect

is well known in the English blogosphere known as menéame effect, the massive influx of users that occurs in a web page, when it comes to home news aggregator, which in some websites may block the linked site. However, yesterday one could see quite well what the effect google, because it is cited in I Know What You Did La Sexta something and hearing much of the run to see what they say in the program.

Following the famous photographs of Eroski Malaga, many netizens spread like wildfire to check if they were true images of scantily clad ladies. Because of the mess created in mid-afternoon of the day in question, Google announced it would case to see what had happened and his response was not long.

Yesterday morning, Google "retired" the results of Google Images ladies so if someone wanted Eroski Malaga, he only appeared 3 results of the item. But there was talk of the subject in I Know What You Did La Sexta, this blog did indeed suffer a google search to mass produced and only 2 images appear. At that time, there were only 2 results concerning the Eroski Malaga and scantily clad ladies and one of them was this blog, with a pixilated picture taken the Facebook blog Tuenti vs South Journal, which made a screenshot of Google Images.

But nevertheless, despite the increase in visits, it was nothing compared to what "wins" when the topic was discussed in I Know What You Did. Shortly before three of the four in the afternoon, in the program account what happened in Google and Eroski (to the minute 1:20)

" What happened then?
Part of the audience found if what is said in the program itself was true and found images that appeared were appearing.
At that time, about 3,000 users simultaneously
for several minutes logged onto Google Images and enter the first result (of only three that had) came directly to this page, in the entry on the topic [ Eroski Malaga, Google Images and global trending topic (nsfw)
In little more than 1 hour, this page is the same
unique visitors it receives in about two months (on a 15,000) and since yesterday, the input has already received over 70,000 visits (61,000 only yesterday, which are
unique visitors this blog gets more than 5 months).

No doubt to this day, the first image that appears on the subject, take this blog, it is certainly a help, so that currently about 100 concurrent users consult only this entry . The truth is that Digg effect, what happened next, falls short, in the rare occasions that unless some strong entries of Digg that in addition to the page you will also receive visits by other media such as Twitter or Facebook, something that this post has not happened. Later

after 8 of afternoon, the news came out in The Sixth Edition News night, which turned to notice a new effect google, but this time of fewer people (800 unique users).

This entry, could serve as an example of importance of a media-named something If the subject is interesting and the audience may be interested in the subject and have access to internet, the Google effect, is almost assured. Use
ecology to exploit niches visits Google offers is something interesting for a student of biology (
What nature can teach economics )

NOTE I hope to return to resume the blog on the topic of next few days, although this autochupada Mr. Wolf would say, he could not avoid.

More 6170844_google-retiro-las-im.png -
Eroski Malaga, Google Images and global trending

topic - Digg Effect Anatomy
- Eroski Malaga things Google


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