Sunday, February 13, 2011

Difference Between Coma And Paralysis

Censorship "to # operaciongoya? Developed

seems that the network is very revolutionized in the last few hours on account of the alleged censorship of the demonstrators TVE the # operaciongoya at the gates of the red carpet at the Goya Awards Gala. Sincerely speaking of censorship, they have no idea what a censure and certainly not remember how TVE was not many years ago.

Stupor: the official signal of English Television, which reaches homes through television, have not heard anything unusual. A delay five minutes has prevented the cries of protest from many protesters, with and without a mask, have come to the Royal Theatre to protest against the 'Law Sinde' into the viewer. The version 'online' in, however, came clean with all the noise characteristic of an event, as has been commissioned to remind the public corporation in your Twitter account. Precisely Twitter is where they have been able to read more comments on this # operaciongoya that has grown into the most talked about on the site. Complained about the cost of the gala, some reporting the movements of the police, others were up photos, some have tried to maintain a live broadcast through their mobile and the bold have come to throw eggs at the actors, as found by the actress Dafne Fernandez.


To begin we must go with a confidence that we, piece on the web censorship when English TV can be perfectly seen protests, the reasons for protesting, etc ... If you really want to censor would not put anything on the web. During the transmission
after TVE has been accused of censoring the shouts of protesters, lowering his voice, while good should remember that they are in a microphone and throughout the environment previous connection, screams could be heard perfectly, even when Sinde
was on the red carpet, the only thing you could hear were the protests.
addition to speaking about them in the report itself, which is not bad, for an alleged censorship.

Anonymous protest to the doors against the law Goya Sinde

Although good, seeing as some politicians have jumped on the bandwagon of alleged censorship ...
TVE How does that not go on any plane the image of those who are protesting in Goya? Is anybody there? Esteban Gonzalez Pons

Subsequently, the journalist in charge of the questions on the red carpet, Carlos del Amor, no problem
asked him directly and
both the current President of the Academy, Álex de la Church as the Minister of Culture, Ángeles González Sinde on # protesters operaciongoya.

There demonstrations with thousands of people who spend less time in any information and to be a demonstration by 300 people, where most were hidden and that all he did was insult, and give him time and time, but it seems that TVE should make a special briefing with the protesters.

can agree with the protests (a I love that the protestors in the chair at home, also go to street) but of course, mention that has been censored when it has been reported several times on a thing, when the information is another fact (the Goya Awards) is manipulated.
The newscast mentioned in at least three occasions the conflict in the # # operaciongoya LeySinde and I do not know what more can you ask
Antonio Fraguas on Twitter

If they really think that there has been censorship perhaps they never remember what it was and news broadcasts of TVE during the Urdaci where there was no dissenting voices and demonstrations against, did not leave even when they were thousands of people were neither directly.

sincerely acknowledge the current TVE of censorship is to have no idea how the situation was before. What the hell, they look at one of these Telemadrid, Channel 9 or Channel South to see what they think about the alleged censorship of TVE.

seems to pull the finger is too cheap and not remembering what happened not long ago and not be objective with what has happened.

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Anonymous protest at the gates of Goya against Sinde law

- # operaciongoya: Protests against the law do not go Sinde

- Details about the protest "Operation Goya" against the law Sinde


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