Friday, February 11, 2011

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the first nomenclature of plant proteins fertility restorer

Many plant reproduction is threatened by the existence of male sterility in plants, which prevents them from reproduction due to a failure in the formation of pollen, sterile pollen production ... unless reproductive capacity reactive protein by adding a fertility restorer (RF). Now a group of CSIC just published in PLoS One , the first system of nomenclature of these proteins that facilitate the selection of the RF method for each type of male sterility.

existence has been reported more than 500 species of at least 71 angiosperm families in which coexist in plant populations, hermaphroditic plants and plants "female" that produce no viable pollen (Dem'yanova, 1985) assigning the name of gynodioecious

of This phenomenon is caused by lack of production of viable pollen grains, which is known as male infertility. Today
cytoplasmic male sterility is the most studied and because the genes responsible for sterility found in mitochondria (Laser & Lersten, 1972) and since in most angiosperm mitochondria are inherited from maternally, sterility is transmitted by through seeds (Mogensen, 1996), so the male reproductive tissues generates a non-viable pollen will be unable to pollinate other plants.
One of the main uses of male sterility is in the production of hybrid seeds. In addition, by producing varieties that produce no pollen, it avoids the risk of contamination through pollen flow (Chase, 2006).
However, in some species where there is male sterility, has succeeded in describing the existence of nuclear genes or fertility restorer (RF) that reverse the effects of infertility (Snable & Wise, 1998) and being of nuclear origin are transmitted biparental, with both the pollen and the eggs, all achieved through processes of genetic modification of plants or crosses.

Until now, when he discovered a new gene RF received a random name, but now the novelty is that RF of the 95 proteins known so far, been able to categorize them based on their genetic structure and function to to perform a classification that facilitates the function of locating a protein.
To this end, different families have been created based on the sequence of RF proteins. If two proteins have 40% sequence similarities, were of the same family and whether the similarities were 60%, were a subfamily. If, however, was not reached 40% of similarities, differed between the two families, developing a total of 51 protein families RF.

The creation of a nomenclature for these proteins, which speed up the search for protein may be best for each species and may represent an aid to farmers for mechanisms to prevent the natural sterility in plants crop.

Moreover, the CSIC has made public and open the system, so that other researchers working in the same field to add information about the RF to expand the database and avoid duplication of same data.


- Press Release

CSIC - Simeon O. Kotchoni, Jose C. Jiménez López, Emma W. Gachomo, Manfredo Seufferheld. A new and unified nomenclature for male fertility restorer (RF) proteins in Higher plants. PLoS One
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0015906

- Cuevas García, E. Male sterility in plants, an embryological perspective. Biological, no. 11, pp. 1979 to 1986 (2009) - PDF

- Breeding plants - Genome extranuclear


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