Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long Can Panasonic Batteries Last

flu vaccine and narcolepsy


just know that at least 12 countries have identified cases of narcolepsy (126) by the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine, 70% of cases in Sweden and Finland. As is known, the vaccinia have been clamoring for the purpose, but are normal side effects? By all appearances, the cases are due to the existence of a gene is relatively common in the Nordic countries has increased the occurrence of narcolepsy.

The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety, WHO has issued a statement specifying that "since August 2010 and after massive vaccination against influenza virus H1N1 in 2009, there have been cases of narcolepsy in children and adolescents in at least 12 countries.

The committee noted it takes "more research" to determine the exact relationship among patients with narcolepsy and influenza vaccination, the vaccine is Pandemrix or Focetria.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the laboratory manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline, has pointed out that ELMUNDO.es around the world have managed to date, 31 million doses of vaccine. He adds: "Until January 31 had been detected 162 cases of narcolepsy, 70% of them in Sweden and Finland.
With influenza A, in most cases were cleared as it was three shots
Pandemrix ®, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis
Focetria ®,
Panenza ® from Sanofi Pasteur
Baxter. According to reports we're seeing is
Pandemrix which is questioned in the cases of narcolepsy

Already in August 2010,
European Medicines Agency (EMA) had to issue a statement announcing the review of efficacy data and the effects
could produce, especially that of narcolepsy, related by application Pandemrix the vaccine developed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), and at that time had detected the first cases in Finland, Sweden and France.


The onset of narcolepsy

associated with influenza vaccine, was something that had not been detected, so it is something abnormal

, although falling within any contraindications that may arise when a vaccine any drug or there are contraindications not provided by the different interactions of each agency with the drug in question (
every body is a world ).
According to a study by the
National Institute of Health and Welfare of Finland (THL) , the main country affected, they saw the possibility of
develop case of narcolepsy in children and adolescents,
had a risk nine times higher than in the unvaccinated , as there was the possibility of narcolepsy exist in 1 of every 12,000 vaccinated.
however, was not how it was found that risk in adults (it seems, most detected cases are in children and adolescents) and in the same study
THL could not clearly state that the effects were due to the vaccine.
Of the detected cases, there were no cases among children under 4 years and most were between 5 and 15 years to about 19. THL
himself Finland notes that the cases detected were higher than those detected in Sweden and Iceland, countries that also used the same vaccine were observed in cases of narcolepsy, including among children and adolescents, although in all cases can be attributed to the fault of the vaccines.

Why? Europa Press said the coordinator of the group of sleep-wake disorders of the English Society of Neurology (SEN), Dr. Gemma Sansa.

Narcolepsy occurs in individuals who have a genetic susceptibility due to genotype DQB10602, which is approximately 20% of the population. happens to be
this genotype is much studied in Finland
( Hublin et al
1994) and that Mongoloid populations have increased susceptibility to contain this genotype as is the case with Japan and Korea where there is also a predisposition (
et al. 1999).

The Mongoloids has traditionally been a term applied to describe racial group that would include Asian populations, Eskimos, Polynesians and many anthropologists as well as Lappish populations, such as Finland. In 2008, a group of Japanese and Korean scientists found that the Japanese and Koreans have a gene variant that predisposes them to develop narcolepsy, namely a risk variant genes located between CPT1B and CHKB (Miyagawa et al. , 2008). According to the study, this variant functions so that the gene encodes CPT1B an enzyme involved in fatty acid oxidation and may have an implication in the regulation of sleep, while the CHKB gene is responsible for encoding an enzyme that catalyzes the production of a component of cell membranes and is a precursor of circadian cycles in humans. This gene variant that makes them more willing is in Japanese and Korean populations, at a rate 4 times higher than in the Europoides.
happens in Finland as much of the same, although to a lesser extent,
with about 30% of Finns have the gene associated with narcolepsy, compared to 15% in other Europe.

(In Japan developed its own vaccine strains adapted to their own and purchased influenza vaccine, most of Novartis, now is not involved.)

Although currently still unknown safely how the application of the vaccine might increase the occurrence of narcolepsy, it seems that is the option with more options to be true because of the more than 30.8 million
Pandemrix dose in 47 countries, only 12 affected countries together form a total of 162 confirmed cases and that its
have the genotype most associated with narcolepsy.

The vaccine is fully tested and developed, this vaccine actually has been one of the most studied and followed to the detail of history, the need there was, at the prospect of an increase in cases by a mutation (every month the pharmaceutical WHO and country health agencies issued reports monitoring the disease and the vaccine adverse events, including many countries with their own vaccines and retest commercial vaccines. There is no possibility of conspiracies anywhere, only a predisposed population to another of an effect so far not known in this type of vaccine.

A lack of ethics GSK? GSK warned most common contraindications that may occur and are produced but at a minimum. In fact, cases now found and described (still not sure the relationship with the vaccine) are 0.0005% of the total doses given ... Yes be unethical, if GSK knew the effects and does not inform (something almost impossible for the existing double-checking with the vaccine by the states themselves), but GSK itself caught him by surprise because so far it was unknown that may cause narcolepsy and we are really talking about a very small population group ...

Should you withdraw the influenza vaccine as vaccinia defenders?
The chances of that happening were so extremely remote that were nearly impossible ... until they occur, but hey we are talking about something as highly complex as the human body, yet we are becoming known for anything ... but that's no reason to stop

vaccinated, etc ...

What has happened is not grounds for withdrawal of different vaccines, since no causation has been demonstrated, although it has already been under study since August when he raised the alarm.

The fact that only occurred with 162 of more than 30.2 million doses of one vaccine (in other non-GSK has not yet demonstrated the existence of this problem), not a reason for withdrawal, since as we have said in this case there is a factor that is stronger as the existence of a very high prevalence of narcolepsy in populations now under study. Vaccination is infinitely cheaper and more effective than no vaccination and more with the flu, which affected more young and middle-aged healthy people unlike seasonal flu that affects older people. (
Flu: why (apparently) affects more young people?)

can vote the news

More - Pandemrix ®

- Focetria ®

- Panenza ®


- United Nations: WHO study reports of narcolepsy associated with flu vaccine

- Kadotani H., Faraco J. & Mignot E. Genetic Studies in the Sleep Disorder Narcolepsy. Genome Res 1998. 8: 427-434

- cases of narcolepsy influenza vaccine in 12 countries - C
DC - H1N1 Influenza Vaccine 2009
WHO calls for more investigations into the cases of narcolepsy in young vaccinated against influenza A

Do flu vaccines cause narcolepsy?
The NSS said that the flu vaccines could be the "environmental factor" that triggered the onset of narcolepsy

- Increaser of narcolepsy Observed Risk Among Children and Adolescents with PandemrixR Vaccinate

- WHO vaccine should not be removed Pandemrix

Narcolepsy Research - FAQs

- Hublin C, Kaprio J, Partin M, Koskenvuo M, Heikkila K, Koskimies S, Guilleminault C. The Prevalence of narcolepsy: An Epidemiological study of the Finnish Twin Cohort. Ann Neurol. 1994 Jun; 35 (6) :709-16. Http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8210228

- Miyagawa T. et al. (2008) Variant entre CPT1B and CHKB associated with susceptibility to narcolepsy. Nature Genetics 40, 1324 to 1328 (2008)
doi: 10.1038/ng.231
Japanese scientists identified a genetic variant that predisposes to narcolepsy

- Mongoloid

Vaccine Production and new
progress -
Moment Current Epidemic
Letter to parents who have decided not to vaccinate their children
What daring is ignorance about vaccines.
Flu: why (apparently) affects young people?


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