Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lohri Invitation Formats

War of the Toyota

Following the conflict in Libya, we are aware of the existence of an army of militiamen under the command of Gaddafi, mostly from neighboring Chad. Why? To understand the reason why they have so much appreciation Gaddafi, we must go back in the late 80's with a civil war in neighboring Chad, which eventually turned into a war between Libya and Chad, where the advanced Libyan army was defeated by a militia of Chad who were in Toyota Land Cruiser.
After clashes between 1960 and 1975 with the assassination of former president, François

Tombalbaye in 1979 the rebel factions took over the capital of Chad, as power passed to the armed rebels, mostly in northern areas of the country. In 77
Libya annexes the northern part of Chad, known as the Gaza Aouzu and ends by sending troops on 80 remaining about a year.
is in 1983, after previous armed conflicts between Chad and Libya (the first began in 1973), with a fully Chad in chaos, Muammar al-Gaddafi

refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the president of Chad, Hissène Habré, so he decides to support aa opposition (Gouvernement d'Union Nationale
or GUNT) to topple Habré.
Actually, all this mattered little, because the real goal was to strip Aouzu, which had already been years ago, with significant oil and uranium.
From there and with the coming into action in France with Operation Manta
and Operation Epervier
and the GUNT rebelled against Gaddafi, his partner so far, the Libyan leader had no choice to try to find a new support, as were the rebels of CDR.

However, in 1987, the Libyans were defeated by the citizens of Chad that stirred up their differences to fight the enemy abroad, led by Habré (and later despot). Within a year, the Libyan army armed with Soviet tanks and a well trained army, had to go out

feet, to be defeated against Chadians, who "only" that had, were with a terrain vehicles, that used to move through a vast country and also as the Chad desert. Libya invaded Chad with Soviet tanks T-55 generally, and more than 8,000 troops in early 1987 and screened (about 300), fighters MIG 23, MIG 25, Mil Mi 24 helicopters and heavy bombers Tu 22.

What did the Chadians?
Just had an army armed with good technology, although with a great moral difference Libyan very discouraged because they perceived the conflict as outside ... because in reality they were only
errands in the search for economic interests.
As we have said, at the beginning of the war, the Chadians had not much, but gradually won the support of the former colonial power, France, speaking with "Operation Manta" and "Operation Epervier", the have interests in the area (ELF oil company was interested la zona en conflicto que le interesaba a Libia).

"Operation "Manta"

With the situation appearing critical, France decided to launch an in- tervention. Codenamed Operation "Manta" starting on 9th August, saw the deployment of 3,500 French troops, equipped with anti-armour and anti-aircraft defences, flown to N’Djamena by United States and French transport aircraft. The USA also delivered 30 tons of weapons and ammunition for FAN, while the French then followed with the deployment of their air assets - foremost the Task Force "Barracuda", consisting of six "Jaguars" , four Dassault "Mirage" F-1C interceptors, two KC-135FR tankers and two Breguet "Atlantique" reconnaissance aircraft, deploy to N'Djamena on 21st August 1983. "

Suddenly Chadians had with a secret weapon and insignificant in the eyes of the Libyans, as were the Totoya Land Cruiser series 40 and 70 granted by France (400), and various air assets, although certainly not as numerous as the Libyans.
Toyota, the Chadian gave him a great capacity to surprise the enemy, unlike the Libyans, who in spite of having fighter planes, their tanks and armored vehicles were very slow to move through the desert and track car incursions against the Libyan bases.
addition, the cars were armed with MILAN anti-tank missiles manufactured in France for the destruction of Libyan tanks and even-to-air Stinger missiles to fight back from Libya's Soviet helicopters. So managed
surprise attacks, causing heavy casualties on the Libyan and when they wanted to react, and had retreated to their starting positions, in addition to being a highly effective air defenses because of their mobility in the desert.
A demonstration of this ability to surprise, was the basis of communications Libyan Fada, which had about 2,000 soldiers and was attacked by Chad cars. About 4,000 soldiers in Chad against Libyan base, surrounding it and thanks to the surprise effect, achieved victory (they were more, but did not have the sophisticated Libyan weapons)
What is the result of the battle?
In this raid, the Libyan casualties were about 800 soldiers and hundreds of tanks, while the Chadians, had a low of just over a hundred soldiers and four Toyota lost in the fighting.
end the conflict, casualties of Libya and its partners in the CDR were 7,500 soldiers, 1,000 prisoners, 800 tanks and 28 aircraft. The casualties of the Government of Chad, were little more than 1,000 soldiers and tens Car. Toyota cars by employing the Chadians.

Although the use of improvised fighting vehicles, were not new, as they had used in World War II
with SAS troops or Western Sahara, the truth is that over time , the Toyota Land Cruiser and Toyota Hilux cars would become preferred by the militia of any war for their reliability and speed of movement that allowed the militants.
recall images of Afghanistan Taliban with Toyota on all sides filled with Taliban with their Kalashnikovs or Africa's forgotten war Toyotas youth charged with his rifle, ready to die in a war in exchange for a meal. Highly recommended Newsweek: Why
rebels and insurgent groups the world over love the Toyota Hilux pickup as much as Their AK-47s.

then Idriss Déby, one of the Toyota War heroes, would end up in 1990, the Chad president of a poor and corrupt (very corrupt) and which today still retains the office, despite attempts to oust him. Details of the importance of such cars in Chad, has been that in 2010, the government Chad's only allowed the use of Toyota Land Cruiser
to be used exclusively by the army of Chad, and a car that is also widely used by the rebels.

Another battle of the Cold War To show the importance of this war / conflict, at the time was considered a battle of the Cold War, the warring nations.
Libya one hand was the financial and technological support of a decaying Soviet Union and the other was Chad, with the support of France and the United States indirectly, with the provision of arms for the cause.

Something that pretty much sums up the "victory American "is an article by Michael Radu and Daniel Pipes, Wall Street Journal for
the April 14, 1987 that even then there was talk that Gaddafi would fall (it is true that the war strengthened its position in the area).

This turn of events has profound implications. In the region, Libya's defeat in Chad could lead to the collapse of the regime of Gaddafi and a dramatic change in African-Arab relations. Globally should lead to a new Western approach on Third World allies and a favorable assessment of the military posture of the West.

Army Colonel Gadhafi does not come only defeat, this humiliation - a dangerous problem for the head of state. The odds are that Colonel Gaddafi would not exceed this loss, the process leading to the end of his rule 18 years has probably begun. No one - not the army, the USSR or the Libyan public opinion - gives its support. Besides, who seriously feared going to Libya now? If a ragtag army of marauders made the deserts of Chad can defeat the mighty forces that Libya, certainly others will decide who can stand up to Colonel Gaddafi.

As for Chad, in the past has been a Lebanon Africa, a place where factions arose at the very moment of victory to start new rounds of fighting. Perpetual war since 1965 led the Economist to call Chad "the mosaic of death." Libyan troops in Chad reminded Syrian troops in Lebanon - a much more powerful foreign force that tries to exploit the anarchy to gain control of the country. But the Libyan invaders stimulated the beginning of a national mainstream, and Colonel Gaddafi's attempts to annex Chad Chadian generated a vigorous patriotism. The population now closed ranks with President Hissein Habre against Libya. Colonel Gaddafi has unwittingly caused the civil war in Chad for decades longer approaches its end. Chad's victory was the product of a mixture of money, weapons and Western intelligence value and tactical direction of the country. Aerial coverage and French regular troops protected the rear while $ 50 million in equipment and weaponry allowed the attack to occur. United States donated $ 25 million in emergency military aid over the past four months, including air and air defense systems. These tiny amounts of military equipment gained critical. The State Department official who called it "the best investment we could have done" to aid rushed to Chad was right.

Ironically, this aid came to Chad, thanks in part to the Iran arms deal. The more relevant question shifted the attention of the Congress of the administration's activities in Africa at a critical time, creating a rare opportunity for Washington to act decisively. (Chad is not the only recipient of U.S. aid in the region. Since 1984, the U.S. has provided military support to Niger and Sudan, growing in close cooperation with the French).

More Daniel Pipes

Gaddafi's militia
De Just as with all dictators in Africa who trust their own army, as they settle in power are going around of a "bodyguard" of his own tribe (as
Amin Dada in Uganda) or mercenaries exchange for a salary because they know that if your boss dies, they die too, so they have the highest fidelity.

They are people from another country, giving them equal the Libyan people, so they can act with extreme coldness, without regard to patriotism, etc ... the perfect soldier.

Gaddafi did not want to be less and seen the futility of his own army as demonstrated in the War of the Toyota, did the same with the Chadians to be impressed by their ability to work and movement in the battlefield. If we add that Chad is a poor country and that Gaddafi pays well ...

Since then, Gaddafi has been surrounded by militants, mostly from Chad, but also from Nigeria and Mali, willing to fight for and Gaddafi, in return for a wage and a relatively comfortable life in Libya (or so was until last month) and some unconfirmed sources

speak of
up to 120,000 mercenaries
scattered across the country to control the population in a country with a regular army of 50,000 soldiers.

"Dahara Aissa has 15 years and had never taken a weapon. Until he came to Libya just a week ago with his cousin Hagar, 18. Boarded a plane in Chad and landed in Tripoli. Wrapped in blankets in a detention center rebel Shahat, 300 kilometers from the border with Egypt, how they have offered to fly free the country with a job offer under the arm. Then they gave each one a rifle and went to Labrak to "kill terrorists." Both

Hagar Dahara as well as some of the 130 prisoners Army Muammar Gaddafi who caught the revolutionaries refused to fire. So still alive. "A faction of the army of mercenaries feeds Libyan Chadian Nigerian and Malian living in Libya for years and who have given homes, money and a comfortable life, "said Hassan, one of the leaders, showing a stack of IDs to data Libyan citizens of those countries."
The Country

What is the reward for killing an opponent of the regime? 10 to $ 12 000 And how much is gained to date to address the protesters? A thousand dollars? The values, which circulate in social networks and who were also cited by
Cadalanu, are thought unlikely by Il Sole

, which considers more credible sources that talk about $ 500 per day or $ 18 000 contracts a year. Arab television Al Jazeera reported that in Guinea Conakry and Nigeria, appeared ads offering $ 2,000 for which he was willing to help Gaddafi.

Public Journal (Portugal)

Although these militiamen are loyal to death, they have a problem is that when they see that things can not be reversed, they start wanting to go home, see its leader and paying too much danger. Mercenaries

Gaddafi serving


The existence of this historic event, I met him through the War and Peace Blog of MOEHE Atita de la Fuente with Article

"The Army Gaddafi "
and article written in Granada Forum

Racing Club - The War by The Ghost
Toyota. He was then put to work and keep looking for information.

regret the existence of errors
regarding historical situation or dates and participants of the conflict (many laps did a side) and since then my mental state was not the best.

If you like, you can vote the news

Journals or Digg, thanks to the user CIB3R

More that might interest you

- "Gaddafi's Army" - Chad's victory against Libya is also an American victory - Granada Forum Racing Club - The Toyota War The Ghost

- The French Military in Africa

gunship (improvised fighting vehicle)

- Chadian-Libyan Conflict

- Why
rebels and insurgent groups the world over love the Toyota Hilux pickup as much as Their AK-47s.
- Toyota

delle War

- Swarming in the desert

- Tom Cooper -45 Years of Wars and Insurgencies in Chad
- Mercenaries
15 years - Gaddafi shielding with a 'private army' of 120,000 mercenaries
- Notes on the Chad

Time - Chad: The Great Toyota War

- Civil War in Chad (1965-1979) - LA GUERRA DEL "CHAD" (The JACK Mr Ghaddafi)

- Toyota Hilux

- Chad govt bans Land Cruisers -
El Gaddafi clan la 'cosa nostra' libia

- Profile : Gaddafi came to be a "Mad Dog"


Gaddafi mind the young Chad and make them mercenaries

Mercenaries, "troops for the job dirtier but the "least reliable" are the last card of the dictator


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