Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Bangladesh initiated the largest clinical trial with oral cholera vaccine. TVE

Starting tomorrow, will begin in Bangladesh the largest study of the world on an oral vaccine against cholera. Will be given two doses of vaccine to more than 240,000 people in Mirpur, a suburb of the capital, where the largest number of cholera cases. In this way, and for four years, patients will be monitored to decide whether to perform a mass vaccination of the entire population in a country where cholera is endemic. According to Ahmed Nasm of ICDDR'B (International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh) , testing of the vaccine that has the support of government, will the largest study of the world with a cholera vaccination to be done on about a quarter of a million people for testing the effectiveness of oral vaccine.

This time, it will test a vaccine produced in Vietnam, India by the company Shantha Biotechnics of Hyderabad, which developed the vaccine in conjunction with the ICDDR'B, center has funding of $ 16.5 million Gates Foundation to produce the oral vaccine.

Previously there had been a vaccination in the Indian city of Calcutta , which was tested in a large number of people and found that had a 67% protection for at least 2 years and with a good protective action for children 1 to 5, where Dukoral, the other existing oral vaccine, was not as effective.

in September 2006 was carried out in a suburb of Calcutta (India) a Phase III clinical trial of a bivalent oral vaccine against cholera. This is the critical phase of clinical trials, in which the product, in this case the vaccine is administered to large groups of people to confirm their effectiveness, side effects identify and collect information to use it safely.

were installed over 30 vaccination centers in the slums of the city so that people will not have to go far to get vaccinated. By then, the city, with more than 14 million people were affected by torrential rains.

Interim results of the Phase III started the Calcutta in 2006 have been published recently. There were 20 episodes of cholera in the 52 212 people vaccinated, and 68 in the 55 562 who received placebo. "The test result was 68% protection two years after vaccination in all age groups. In children 5 to 15 years was 88% protection. Given the high burden of cholera existing in various parts of India, this is very valuable, "says Dr. South.

Over 5 years NICED in Calcutta has been working with scientists from the International Vaccine Institute, based on Seoul to accelerate the introduction of this oral vaccine against cholera which could be a breakthrough in the fight against this disease. WHO

One of the novelties of this new vaccine in addition to the large number of people on which to test, ease of implementation and maintenance (refugee areas suitable for mass contamination and avoiding Haiti's ) is its low cost would be around $ 3, ten times less than it costs the Dukoral, the other oral vaccine so far is the only one that is approved. vaccine now be tested, Sanchol ™ is the first vaccine developed by the Gates Foundation (in a short time will know the results of trials of its malaria vaccine

). To test the efficacy of the vaccine, will apply to more than 240,000 people in Mirpur, a suburb of the capital, Dhaka

, where the largest number of cholera cases. Another group of 80,000 people receive acting as a placebo control group, so for 4 years, both groups are subject to monitoring to check the action of the vaccine and to validate the results.

The choice of the study area, besides being one of the areas with the greatest influence of the disease, it is also an area near the research center so they can carry out monitoring of a better way if they were in an isolated population. If the study goes well, the government will vaccinate people against cholera in a country where it is endemic (6 of 7 nineteenth century epidemics originated in Bangladesh) and since 1960 is a leading cause of mortality in the country largely on the weather of the country, the country's characteristics as well as poor access to drinking water in a country like Bangladesh.

In 2009, a group of researchers from Tufts University, found that there was a relationship between the occurrence of cholera and fluctuating water levels of the 3 major rivers in the region as the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna. While in Africa or Latin America, cholera outbreaks occur about once a year in Bangladesh is twice a year.

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Journals Updated thank Guyman

More information

- ICDDR'B (International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh)

- Bangladesh outbid clinical trial ever of vaccine cholera-

- Bangladesh to hold Massive Chol vaccine trial


Time - In Bangladesh, the New Way to Fight chol


PBS - Chole on

Bangladesh - Bangladesh

chol linked to Rivers


chol Oral vaccine by Shantha is Shanchol India


The Gates and the advancement of medical science

Why is it so complex to combat malaria?
Vaccine Production and new developments
- Cholera
ORAL VACCINE: First Vaccine Developed with Gates Foundation support
WHO: High hopes on a vaccine against cholera

- Faruque SM, Chowdhury N, Kamruzzaman M, Ahmad QS, Faruque ASG, Salam MA, et al. Reemergence of Epidemic Vibrio cholerae O139, Bangladesh. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 2003 Sep [date cited]. Available from: URL:

- Akanda, A. S., A. S. Jutla, and S. Islam (2009), Dual peak cholera transmission in Bengal Delta: A hydroclimatological explanation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L19401,

- Antarpreet S. Jutla, Ali S. Akanda, Shafiqul Islam. Tracking Cholera Outbreaks using Remote Sensing WE REASoN (Water and Environmental Research, Education and Actionable Solutions Network) Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University, MA, USA. - PDF - Ryan ET, Dhar U, Khan WA, Salam MA, Faruque AS, Fuchs GJ, Calderwood SB, Bennish ML. Mortality, morbidity, and microbiology of endemic cholera among hospitalized patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2000 Jul-Aug; 63 (1-2) :12-20. Http://


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