Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tiger Shark Vs. Powerbilt

: Sweet snacks

Carme olfactory memory is trained from childhood, with only enter through the front door I knew differentiate the smell of rice pudding, custard or bores. His passion is cooking, yet he had a very good teacher, his mother, he learned and enjoyed cooking since childhood.

So it's no wonder his blog is called Sweet Snacks , and with only the images, and you can smell the quiet and gentle to marinate things made with love to simmer.

This weekend I have to try this White Chocolate with vanilla, tonka bean and caramelized popcorn , and currently only know how to make popcorn. Let's see what happens.

Ah! I take one day so designated as today to announce my small contribution to a new online magazine venture Atelier, Atelier Love! All weddings. For now I leave you with a snack mid-May:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Briggs And Stratton Governor Springs Hookups

My Wishlist Craft: Mother's Day

we Crafts Building , and easier access to artisans from here, I made a list of some of my favorite products that I hope to give (or autoregalar) for Mother's Day.

Eve Blau is an illustrator Valencia lover-weave knits, which also has a blog very inspiring. I'm staying with and ste stone brooch reminds me so much Dalí.

From Barcelona with love, this bag Costudio Monica has one of the favorite illustrations, that of the photographer (is the version for pregnant mothers). I also really like the snaps, these frameworks so pretty.

had never seen the work of Ana Isabel Franco, or any of their bugs, felt purses. The difficult choice, but I'll e owl and the spider. More Lovelia .

However, the artisan-jewelry María Goti I still long. His pieces, even contemporary, universal language that make you like everybody. These leaves I love!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pokemon Diamond And Pearl Ash X Dawn

Tutorial: Inglés Rose

First of all, I wanted to thank you for all your previous comments, both here and on facebook or twitter, encourages us to learn that you are interested in the subject.

often they test to see how it is something because of those wanted to talk today. Some time ago we asked Chicadecanela advise us on their knowledge materials, shapes and finely crafted as delicate as the spirit of its trademark "handmade mini couture."

wanted to make a curtain of English style with floral prints. And the test result is this: a rectangle shaped British flag which we hope will inspire you.

Although you look easy, to praise from outside the seam perhaps suits them long comment, so Lucia explains how he did:

For the flag is will use patchwork 4 different materials: 1 linen for the back and 3 coordinated patterned fabrics ahead.


1. Cut 1 rectangle 16x13cm. approx. linen and other tissue in the A-Flower-(includes o, 5 cm. sewing).
2. Cut 2 strips of 22cm. x 2 cm. approx. in tissue B-moles.
3. Cut 1 strip of 13cm. x 2.5 cm. and a 16cm. x2, 5cm., in the tissue C-boxes.
2. Interfacing the parts, minus the seams (optional).
3. Prepare strips: 2.5 mm bend. each side inward, and irons. We do this with all straps. So ready to pass the edge and stitch.
4. Strips have made in the tissue blade B on the front piece and stitch along both strips, the first one after the other.
5. Strips have made in the tissue C, cross-over work and stitch just made: first horizontal and then vertical.
6. We put this piece we just did the right against the right of the rectangle of linen and give a stitch all around, to 0.5 cm. approx. edge, leaving an opening on one side about 7cm. to give back to the room. This is also the time to fill it with some wadding if we padded.
7. After turning it over to the work, hand sew the opening and ironed.
8. We trim and stitch all around the flag. And presto!

Measures are optional, we can make the size you want. It is a very simple task!

Pathophysiology Of Cervical Carcinoma

Do we need to choose the cover of issue 2? Creative Spaces

Many of us ask for the number 2. Everything is almost ready, our delay is because we have begun a new adventure which we hope will help us reach more places, but little by little.

Still, it's time to show you something most importantly, to know your opinion! For this occasion we Lady Procrastination to illustrate our cover and two proposals: a more classic (No. 1) and another atypical (No. 2).

I have my favorite, but what you like most about you?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can You Store Acid Plawstic

: Small details from Filandia

This image could not be more like it: some paint cans based on several Japanese books from the publisher Paume, my favorite, accompanied by several tapes " wasabi " used to everything. In this other photo comprobaréis serve to keep pens and pencils, but where is the painting?

That's the trick, are painted on the inside as if they were full . You will say that the idea is not anything special, it's still more fun than decorating the outside.

addition to this simple DIY, on the album Jutta find a more eclectic houses and tidy (chaos in balance) I've seen in a long time. The Finnish illustrator living in an old wooden house redecorated constantly under the watchful eye of Wall and Mansikki dogs.

Some of my favorite spots:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meltonian Boot Shoe Cream Uk Suppliers

The day the book

reading the blog Lost papers, I found this wonderful quote from Borges "Of the various instruments invented by man, the most striking is the book, all others are extensions of his body ... Only the book is a stretch of the imagination and memory. "

And do a few days, they were the words of the editor Inge Feltrinelli "... books are objects even sensual, you can smell the paper, you can see the graphics, you can touch, you can write even in the book. The book can not disappear at all ...".

I will not make "glorification" of the book in paper or in digital. Just wanted to let these thoughts accompany a very special day on 23 April is the day of the book, and many of these libraries will disappear, or not, will meet in the street to show what is on their shelves . Among them, Loring Art in USE A BOOK festival of Sant Jordi in Plaça Sant Just (Barcelona) , with some specimens DIY and Sewing E l . Furthermore, Las Ramblas will know Misakomimoko with their cookies and handmade things.

Feliz bridge and enjoy a lot of reading in any format!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Listerine Strips Problems

SER Luckily it was a team

When the march met 50 professionals or "individuals" of the COPE SER, SER made several statements highlighting the professionalism of those who remained and that the above SER familiar faces was a team and what mattered was the mark . Now when it reaches one of the biggest games, the team, no longer seem to care so much and bring Victor Hugo Morales Is not BE was a team without familiar faces?

um confronto, uma escova de dentes

Flickr photo rreis

When progress is met Paco Gonzalez and the team that accompanied it, as well as disqualification of the SER call individuals those who left COPE always stressed that the SER was a team of professionals who do not care about the well-known faces or that they were, they were unprepared for the digital age (I guess they have not gone through the Facebook and Twitter the current time and the current game Carousel).

Carrusel Deportivo, the program dean of sports radio in Spain, is renewed with a new director, Javier Hoyos, who assumed the helm of the space, with over 200 professionals located in the radio network Cadena Ser With this new stage, Carousel seeks to reinforce its leadership of almost two million listeners, representing a 50% share of its time slot, and makes it the second most listened to radio general, after the present time, also the Cadena Ser

With this renewal is also seeking to increase the strength of the Union Radio stations and adapt to a new digital landscape. The new stage is based on a thorough restructuring of the wording from power equipment the talent and youth.

The Country

Cadena SER continues the process of renewal and rejuvenation of its sports team with the aim of strengthening its leadership structure to enhance the sport of Radio Union, and developing new projects in the digital environment. As part of this restructuring, which focuses on talent, youth and strength equipment, Laura Martinez has been named Director of Sports of the Cadena SER and Antonio Romero assume the duties of Editor in Chief

Laura Martinez 32, will head the largest array of English radio sports with over 200 professional, technicians and journalists, divided by the radio network Cadena SER. Natural Tarragona, this reporter began his career in Mora d `Ebre Radio SER. With 27 years assumed the leadership of Sports in Catalonia SER, a position he has played so far and that combined with tracking of FC Barcelona for Carrusel Deportivo.

Javier Hoyos's appointment as Director of Carrusel Deportivo and Juan Ortega in the role of facilitator were the first steps of a major restructuring of the sports team that continues to Cadena SER Laura Martinez as Director of Sports and Antonio Romero as Chief Editor. Cadena SER This means a new stage in its drafting of sports in order to further their dominance in the sports radio landscape in Spain. Cadena SER

parallel, the direction of the Cadena SER had decided to renew the Carrusel Deportivo team for the obvious depletion of some of its members and professionals need to incorporate more prepared for the digital age. Cadena Ser

However, when it's time for truth, SER has chosen a heavy weight sports journalism, a familiar face, as Victor Hugo Morales, yes the hand of God and the "cosmic kite, one of the best storytellers in the English language radio.

Supposedly, this change announce it because they will give the match to 10 countries in which Rush has representation Radio. Is not worth Antonio Romero and Lluis Flaquer?

This one is the longest match of the century and the Cadena SER prepares international coverage and historical transmission: the weight of the transmission of the final of the Copa del Rey will take Victor Hugo Morales, the Uruguayan journalist who narrated the "goal of the century" of Maradona against England at Mexico 86, the author of the famous "cosmic kite." Victor Hugo Morales is flanked at all times during the match by Antonio Romero and Lluis Flaquer. Hugo Morales for the final of the Cup "is a planetary encounter. There is nothing that depicts globalization as this game." Cadena SER

will connect with the main parts of Spain where the classics are being followed. Sevilla, Mallorca or A Coruña be cities to visit, but there will also be links to some of the Prisa Radio stations in Latin America. With W Mexico, Radio Caracol in Colombia, Chile and Continental DNA in Argentina provide the view from the other side of the Atlantic. The Cup match can be heard in the 10 countries it operates Radio Prisa. Cadena Ser

Recall that in the past, when the SER also issued the carousel to other Latin American countries (eg European Cup final, or even in many important carousels League final) reporters did not bring the other side of Chaco, because journalists had them at home.

Is not serve journalists who have and need the whole army?

If you think that Antonio Romero and Lluis Flaquer are very young and inexperienced ... Why not put the big Iñigo Markinez?

the record, that Victor Hugo Morales seems great, but when you spend half a year saying they have a professional team that what matters is the brand and not the stars ... is not very good. Although this issue El Mundo, has not been targeted, the owner describes it very well be used The Victor Hugo Morales for 'lifting' their sports

Thankfully, the SER was a team of professionals. When the time key, do not believe in your own professional.

If you like you can vote the news in Journals or Digg , thanks to lotto

Pleurodiaphragmatic Tentings Meaning

Contributions: at Atelier, the benefits of having partners

Open publication
- Free publishing - More atelier
This time my article "Arts & Crafts" Atelier online journal is dedicated to those who to start your business "handmade" have decided to join.

Whatever self, understand how hard it is to sometimes do the job without someone to support you, give you encouragement, extent to which your knowledge can not reach. This is usually not always true, sometimes it is just the opposite, yet they have been lucky:

- Deborah and Nadia have created the Club Handmade, which we discussed here . One way to socialize with girls and learn differently.

- Marta and Rosa joined to grow Lulaila's Garden. A designs, and the other is responsible for communication and graphic design. A tanda perfect, including the success of Tolentino solidarity.

-Jan, the famous P Oppy blog talk, that supermarket created with the idea of \u200b\u200bar support young artisans from around the world via the Internet.

"I leave to go, I wish it were Saturday because at the end of the magazine, I knew that this group of girls who come together to not falter in their bid to become designers, they have a very important event in Pastry (Madrid) on 14 May . A market where you find things handmade, like The Nusa, which tells you all here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bse Post Closing Session Timing

Fill The Sewing: Purl Soho

Do you remember the classic cross-stitch kit? For in Purl Soho, one of the best shops where to find "supplies" crafts, and it is very easy to buy the online version (in addition to having a blog great with lots of tutorials) has a section special c on these products and n which boast fine art, something that affects the price.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Business Object Xi Reportauto Refresh

Tags for travelers

friendly buttons remember once asked me what my suitcase. The blue, I said, and immediately I realized that all were blue. Since then try to put some peganita or label to differentiate.

These moles I really like are the blog "Hello, Goog Gravy! " and you can download the here.

This week I'll post less, not being on the road, but working for the number 2 is as soon as possible, I'll tell you news and changes that have made us to change some things, hopefully for the better. Step by step.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lost Instructions For Bowlercade

what we stand in the creation of artificial organs?

In recent months they appeared to some reports, about the creation of artificial human organs from stem cells. Do we have a lot to see and operate artificial organs routinely? In about 10 years, we could take them to work effectively in humans.

tissue transplantation is a way to restore organ function by replacing the damaged organ with a new, from a donor.

However, the task is not simple as transferring biological material from one individual to another, we risk they are not compatible and generates a rejection. There is also a big problem, because the potential number of organ donors is very low and could only be used on certain occasions.

Due to this, in recent years are emerging revolutionary techniques in the field of biomedicine, such as the creation of in vitro organs for transplantation in vivo by the construction of these organs with stem cells Live grown in a natural or artificial matrix on a scaffold (the pillars of the body) of collagen fibers.

For an easy understanding of what the technical we can say that the decellularization is the removal of cells from an organ from a deceased individual, leaving only the "scaffolding" of internal tissues, so that this structure is being repopulated with cells from the patient until a suitable organ created in a laboratory.

The procedure continues with a busy and rupture of cell membranes, treating the isolated tissue with a fluid for washing the cellular material, leaving only the extracellular matrix and then start to repopulate the body, while keeping the body in a fluid that mimics the patient's condition.

Harald C Ott, Thomas S Matthiesen, Saik-Kia Goh, Lauren D Black, Stefan M Kren, Theoden I Netoff & Doris A Taylor. Perfusion-decellularized matrix: using nature's platform to engineer a bioartificial heart . Nature Medicine 14, 213 to 221 (2008). Published online: 13 January 2008 transplants, time is something that would be science fiction.)

Where are we? We are still

something green to be able to regenerate tissues of nowhere, but we are certainly making many important achievements.

In 2006, the expert in tissue engineering, Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest , introduced an artificial bladder, and that it had in 7 patients. To

bladder cells were removed from patients were cultured and modified in order to regenerate the tissue and then return it to the patient once had " crecido el órgano en el laboratorio".

Todo esto, nos evita usar tejido intestinal en la vejiga, algo que va continuar segregando productos como haría en el intestino y que nos causaría problemas en la vejiga. De la misma forma, en Junio pasado se conoció que se había logrado un hígado y un corazón artificial en ratones con un notable éxito. En el tejido se logró construirlo debido al injertando de células hepáticas sanas en la estructura de un hígado dañado, algo que parece sencillo, pero es muy complejo debido a las funciones metabólicas que tiene dicho órgano.

Evolución del hígado creado.
To overcome this barrier, the researchers took the liver of a laboratory mouse and cleaned, ie, extracted all liver cells, leaving only a translucent structure, composed of collagen fibers and blood vessels.
This was used as a scaffold to order the liver cells are manufactured and three-dimensional shape to organ. Korkut Uygun, lead author of the research, told La Tercera that this procedure is not used stem cells, but adult liver cells taken from other mice. In total, 200 million hepatocytes were used as real bricks build the new liver.
Once the researchers had a liver synthetic with the appearance and functions of a natural, proceeded to test their performance. For this, we implanted in another laboratory mouse.

The organ was not rejected in mice and, moreover, managed to operate for eight hours inside your body. Then scientists did work 24 hours out to study their behavior.

The Third

Regarding the heart, was repopulated an empty heart of a dead rat heart cells from newborn rats. After 4 days the body began to shrink and 8 days and beat normally. In the next image on the left side an image of a heart of a deceased person and the right of a decellularized heart.

Harald C Ott, Thomas S Matthiesen, Saik-Kia Goh, Lauren D Black, Stefan M Kren, Theoden I Netoff & Doris A Taylor.
Perfusion-decellularized matrix: using nature's platform to engineer a bioartificial heart
. Nature Medicine 14, 213 to 221 (2008). Published online: 13 January 2008 last organs has been known that he had been rehabilitated, has been a kidney
, using similar techniques described above. When will this technology work in humans? According to Jamie Davies, a professor of anatomy at the University of Edinburgh, in about 10 years, were having a technology ready for common use in the case of kidneys or hearts
, according to Francisco Fernández-Avilés, Chief of Cardiology Service of Gregorio Marañón and will be one of the leaders of the world's first laboratory in the creation of bodies bioartificial, which will be in Madrid.

However, the fact is that this figure is very variable, depending on the organ in question, but so far already achieved bladder, liver, heart, kidney, cornea , pancreas

... means that we are in the right direction and possibly those deadlines for some bodies could be reduced. This conference Anthony Atala, "creator of the artificial bladder," explains in a very illustrative and easy the whole process necessary for the creation of organs.

Más información - Turk e appropriate, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Hiroshi Yagi, Maria-Louisa Izamis, Maria A Guzzardi, Carley Shulman, Jack Milwid, Naoya Kobayashi, Arno tilles, Francois Berthiaume, Martin Hertl, Yaakov Nahmias, Martin L Yarmush & Korkut appropriate. Development of a transplantable organ through reengineering recellularized liver graft liver usingdecellularized matrix. Nature Medicine. Published online: 13 June 2010 using nature's platform to engineer a bioartificial heart . Nature Medicine 14, 213 to 221 (2008). Published online: 13 January 2008 through stem cell

An artificial cornea to restore vision
The future of biomedicine and artificial organs

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thick Leg Brazilian Gril

food styling: Fantasy Cakes

The 30th of April, the fourth contest held Fantasy cakes, organized by Alice, Duduá . I'm still in the distance, it is in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band every year it amazes me how people's ability to make cakes with unimaginable ways.

If you like to try a recipe, please visit the contest Web or this one (in English) with 30 different models: owls, candy dispensers, unicorns, aircraft ... An original and fun way of presenting a cake, for children, or not so young.

Tallest Rollercoaster In Texas

Geek Crafts: Craft

few weeks ago came the online network and market Artenasio dedicated exclusively to things handmade. Etsy is a version of almost entirely in the form and content, but focused on the world in English, with an advantage: no fee is paid, but with monthly fees. It is the first attempt in Spain, but most likely yes it will curdle the amount of fans and good words that have been achieved in a short time.

This goes to show that it is a good time to the craft theme really interest is growing. It also shows the consolidation of alternative fashion show Nomad Market.

leave the post here because I like to resume it after seeing how I go in Craft . I want to open an online store there, but at the moment is by invitation. Did anyone invite me? :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kates Playground M,asturbates

miss you fashion passes, style remains.

And it all started, on a job of marketing practice.

in the market what matters are: ideas, good ideas, creativity flowing with a good database. 95% perspiration, information and 5% inspiration. It tells the story of the 40's, a woman was installed in the 5 avenue with her workshop creating innovative designs for the time, such was his vision and knowledge of the female consumer market grew and his fame transcended.

One day I walk into his local one very distinguished lady saw all the local garments and went
and turned his attention to a beautiful handkerchief wanted to try all possible ways and could not feel satisfied, in that it is near the owner, who was "watching" and giving two movements placed the handkerchief with such grace that she was fascinated, when asked how much it cost the scarf designer said, are $ 5,000, the woman is startled and exclaimed: $ 5,000! For a handkerchief "to which she replied no ma'am: 5000 by IDEA handkerchief gift will

That woman was: Coco Chanel!

Audrey Tautou plays
Coco in the movie "Coco avant Chanel "

What Is Natural Oestrogen

Fashion DIY: From a shirt

A shirt shakes
at the approach of scissors and a sewing open. No doubt, it will be a better life, but what will be reincarnated? Yes, today it's going t-shirts.

long time I kept this picture (1) in my favorites folder. I like wearing minimalist lines and simple, but with a flair original.Ahí stayed until I saw this other picture a simple tutorial. Simply throat cut in two strips down and tie (and sewing) on \u200b\u200bthe inside. It's more "free style", not that I need a lot of technique.

A bits (2). This is like making pasta, what would you do with the threads? Braids, something as simple as that, and you can turn your t-shirt in beautiful necklaces and bracelets, also lined up as Chaplin would, although he preferred the shoelaces. Step by step Melissaesplin blog.

Everything is in the books. What this designer is a kind of call to the craft: "I see, I like and what I do." So, first looks for inspiration in magazines, and then manages to make your own clone, you could also say that it is owned by Amancio. Such a feat has been to publish a book, but you can enjoy many of his ideas on his blog "Ps I made this."

My favorite idea: make a tank top in a shopping bag. There who wants a picture of mark, because I prefer this model of B etween the lines, with thousands of beautiful ideas and home accessories.

'm sure many know these proposals, but not bad remember.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Can You Still Kiss With Throat Cancer

opening with The Sewing

In times of crisis there are always new initiatives, which is why this week, we present two special places that just opened, and we wish good luck.

Many ask me where to learn in your cities, since you are in luck on the coast. A shop accessories made by hand, and simultaneously, a place to participate in workshops to make them yourself in Valencia!. For just a few days and you can enjoy all these advantages Pulling Thread (C / Sueca, 68), also find there the sewing.

We're a few kilometers inland, particularly in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), the library The Fishbowl. are grateful to find sites with selections so maintained without stepping on a big city, that's the magic of "booktique." If you want to visit, or make our magazine, please stop by Calle Virgen de la Paz, 16.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mera Naam Joker Teacher Scene

how science explains the goal of Roberto Carlos

The free-kick from Roberto Carlos, in a match against France in 1997, is regarded as one of the wonders of football. The ball took effect in such a way that left the French goalkeeper, Fabien Barthez, completely motionless. What many may consider it a stroke of luck, in fact due to mathematical questions.

This was explained by Professor of Mathematics at the University of Coimbra, Eduardo Marques de Sá, in a lecture days ago in Science
Faculdade Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)
, entitled, "Euler, Roberto Carlos and the wonder goal." According Marques de Sá, the wonder goal by Roberto Carlos has three players: Roberto, Carlos, the ball and the air. " Although it seems a truism claim, this goal has the property to include "a ball that curves and at the end of the path the increase of curvature increases." "This phenomenon of a ball that is fired in a straight line and then begins to curve and get the doorman surround is very interesting. "


" Bernoulli's theorem and the effect Magnu s what they say is about how the relationship between flow rate and pressure within this fluid " . The Magnus effect is a manifestation of Bernoulli's theorem in a more sophisticated than was explained by Leonhard Euler and his followers. "

Thus, if imaginásemos to launch the soccer ball toward the goal, air passes through it and move, it drags a little air to rotate. When the ball and the air is moving in the same direction, the speed is higher and therefore the pressure is lower. When air moves contrary to the ball, the speed is lower and therefore the pressure is higher. This makes that the ball is diverted from its original path, thereby producing the Magnus Effect, managed by Roberto Carlos in his goal. "This is a mathematical justification of this kind of phenomenon."

Magnus Effect via
- Author Bartosz Kosiorek The spiral obtained in the Roberto Carlos goal is achieved" in the equations for the change in any of the parameters "and if" change the parameters of these coils, we reached a collection of spiral-type EURL "although these curves "are not yet studied.

The Euler spiral, has a" very interesting geometric property "and that" the curvature of the initial part is zero and then increases as you go ".

In 2010 , was published in the New Journal of Physics
The spinning ball spiral
(Guillaume et al

Dupeux, 2010).
This article used a small pistol to shoot bullets into water at 100 kilometers per hour, as the speed at which it is believed that the ball had Roberto Carlos. In doing so, discovering that the trajectory of a sphere that rotates a spiral.

Figure 1.
Chronophotography of the Impact of an iso-density sphere (R = 3.5 mm) penetrating a bath of water at 0

U = 35 ms -1
and spinning at ω ≈ 0 1200 rad s -1

. The time step entre images not is constant. t = 0 is the Impact time, t = -0.5
1 ms, t 2
= 2.8 ms, t
= 13 ms, t
= 42 ms, t
= 76 ms, t
= 101 ms, t 7 = 169 ms and t 8 = 216 ms. The arrows indicate the sphere velocity.

Figure 2. Multi-pose image showing the trajectory of the ball of figure
1 . The time step between successive ball locations is Δt = 10 ms. This image reveals a spiral trajectory. Figure 3. Effect of spin on the trajectory of a sphere (density ρ s) after impact in water: (a) U0 = 33 ms-1, R = 3.5 mm, ρ s = 1410 kg m-3, ω0 = 0 rad s-1, time step Between images Δt = 2 ms. (B) U0 = 20 ms-1, R = 2.4 mm, ρ s = 920 kg m-3, ω0 = 1740 rad s-1, Δt = 3.75 ms. (C) U0 = 24 ms-1, R = 2.4 mm, ρ s = 920 kg m-3, ω0 = -1740 rad s-1, Δt = 3.2 ms. The Bends trajectory only if the spin is Present and the sign of the ITS Curvature changes "with the sign of the spin. The spinning ball spiral (Guillaume Dupeux et al). El Efecto Magnus que hablaba del Marques de Sá, is responsible for the ball to acquire this "rope" when turning, but also is responsible for what they called the "spiral of rotating ball." The spiral appears after about 40 meters, because when the ball loses speed, the Magnus effect becomes more pronounced, creating a spiral. "The important thing is that while the ball loses speed, the rotation is the same, so that path is just becoming more curved and that creates a spiral."

Unlike other free kick taker, Roberto Carlos gives effect to the ball and more importantly, it comes from a greater distance so well is it possible to achieve this effect.

important for the reader
I do not know physics or mathematics that are used and they cause this effect. Any feedback on the effect will be grateful. The news was met by "Mathematics says Roberto Carlos golo maravilha" page Portuguese Science and Hoje explanation figures are taken from the article that explains this effect: Guillaume et al
2010 New J. Phys
12 093004 doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/9/093004