Friday, April 1, 2011

Matures In Stockings And Girdles

The lie that the EU had raised the limits of radiation in food

these days has spread like wildfire, a hoax which said that the EU should increase
limits of cesium in foods in order to allow the entry of food in Japan.
Like all hoax and there is little information, the ball was great, not knowing if it was true that the EU had raised the limits.
is a lie that the increased limits. Have been strengthened.
The hoax After the disaster of the nuclear plant in Fukushima, Japan, and fear of contamination of food from that country, the European Commission has decided to increase for three months the limit values Radioactive materials in food imported into the EU, reports the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Thus, the amount of radioactive cesium 134 and 137 passes of 370 Bq / kg for milk and 600 Bq / kg for other products, 1,000 Bq / kg and 1,250 Bq / kg, respectively. To justify its decision, the Commission has dusted off a regulation of 1987 on health protection in case of nuclear accident, adopted after the Chernobyl accident. While experts agree that there is no health difference between 370 and 1,000 Bq / kg, consumers express concern, says the Bavarian newspaper: "With the entry into force of regulation, has declared de facto nuclear emergency Europe, "explains an official newspaper of Foodwatch. The consumer association militates in favor of the ban on food imports from Japan, accounting for 0.1% of European imports. "Without a precedent, Brussels, who is accused of habitually slow reaction capacity, has been reproached for having precipitated."


What actually happens

After the nuclear disaster and before the possible arrival of food contaminated by radioactive particles from Japan, the European Union warned all member countries to report on any abnormality radiation limits of food arrived from Europe. The alert is not new, as each member country to receive food from a country outside of marriage (or even within the EU itself), is obliged to carry out checks (usually random) to detect any anomaly any kind (antibiotics, pesticides, radioactive particles, etc ...) before allowing the entry of the product within the Community Area. Especially with the case of radioactivity, the Union has a regulation made warning of radioactivity after the Chernobyl catastrophe (
) No 3954/87 of 22 December 1987 - PDF), which detects whether a state foods that exceed the maximum permitted rates of contamination, should immediately alert the other countries to prevent import and consumption.

The reason for the hoax and the general paranoia that it would increase the radiation limits to allow the importation of food, is that according to some German consumer organizations (Foodwatch and Environment Institute Munich), the EU would issued an emergency agreement providing for such an increase to allow entry of contaminated food.
Such an agreement would have increased maximum values \u200b\u200bof cesium-134 and cesium-137 allowed in baby food, milk products or other foods from Japan, reported two NGOs from Germany. For products such as spices or fish oils the maximum allowable levels would have even multiplied by 20, they added. The EU denies.

This regulation made following the Chernobyl disaster, sets maximum amounts of radioactive particles that can hold a food due to bioaccumulation

, in the same manner as with pesticides or heavy metals, with boundaries that do not pose problems health in the medium and long term. If the food tested at customs,
exceeds those limits do not allow food from entering EU territory and must destroy or return to the country of origin.
But if that were not enough, higher,
each member has the possibility of tighter controls, not to mention
country that Japan is conducting its own inspections.

In fact the EU meeting, which according to these "organizations" say they got limits to what really helped was to ask countries that would increase controls on food, especially coming from Japan on nuclear alert. All food and feed imported into the EU from these areas must have passed the controls before leaving Japan to certify that "do not contain radioactive elements, particularly iodine 131, cesium 134 and cesium 137. They will have to undergo new evidence "random" to its entry into Community territory. The products from the rest of the country will be required a certificate of origin and will undergo random tests upon arrival in the EU. Japanese authorities will have to confirm that exported food and feed do not contain levels radiation exceeding the maximum allowed by the European Union, plus two days notice before the arrival of each contingent. The items processed before March 11 are exempt from these measures provided evidence of their date of production. Brussels recommended

March 15 Member States to strengthen their reviews food products come from Japan, but for now has been informed of positive cases. Europa Press

From the EC pointed out that the experts receive daily information from the Government Japan and, if necessary, revised the rules that exist European Union (EU) to prevent imported products with radioactive contamination. However, the spokesman said that at the moment are to maintain the measures which the EU decided last week for an increased controls the entry of food from several Japanese prefectures, among which are regions affected by the nuclear accident. Also, EU experts discuss this issue on 8 April at a meeting of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain, which includes representatives from the twenty seven EU countries. Vincent said the EC called on Japan to control one hundred percent of the prefectures cited food to ensure that you send Items with excess radioactivity.

Diario de León

Please be serious and let us unfounded paranoia and sensationalism and analyze information objectively, with laws and regulations in hand before we get carried away by the fear that an organization say x, based on nothing.

More Information - Europe, "a state of emergency nuclear

- Conrad
Cäsium-Grenzwert gegen höhere

- Rosa Aguilar said that Spain will apply special controls on imported food Japan
The EU does not detect traces of radioactivity in food in Japan

- EU allows higher levels of radiation in food coming from Japan?
Increases the armor with the arrival of food produced in Japan - Euratom

No 3955/87 - The EC maintains continuous contact with Japan to the pollution alarm

EU strengthen their controls against radiation in food and feed imported from Japan

- Alert
EU on food imported from Japan

- Radon: the invisible enemy


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