Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Can You Still Kiss With Throat Cancer

opening with The Sewing

In times of crisis there are always new initiatives, which is why this week, we present two special places that just opened, and we wish good luck.

Many ask me where to learn in your cities, since you are in luck on the coast. A shop accessories made by hand, and simultaneously, a place to participate in workshops to make them yourself in Valencia!. For just a few days and you can enjoy all these advantages Pulling Thread (C / Sueca, 68), also find there the sewing.

We're a few kilometers inland, particularly in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), the library The Fishbowl. are grateful to find sites with selections so maintained without stepping on a big city, that's the magic of "booktique." If you want to visit, or make our magazine, please stop by Calle Virgen de la Paz, 16.


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