Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Listerine Strips Problems

SER Luckily it was a team

When the march met 50 professionals or "individuals" of the COPE SER, SER made several statements highlighting the professionalism of those who remained and that the above SER familiar faces was a team and what mattered was the mark . Now when it reaches one of the biggest games, the team, no longer seem to care so much and bring Victor Hugo Morales Is not BE was a team without familiar faces?

um confronto, uma escova de dentes

Flickr photo rreis

When progress is met Paco Gonzalez and the team that accompanied it, as well as disqualification of the SER call individuals those who left COPE always stressed that the SER was a team of professionals who do not care about the well-known faces or that they were, they were unprepared for the digital age (I guess they have not gone through the Facebook and Twitter the current time and the current game Carousel).

Carrusel Deportivo, the program dean of sports radio in Spain, is renewed with a new director, Javier Hoyos, who assumed the helm of the space, with over 200 professionals located in the radio network Cadena Ser With this new stage, Carousel seeks to reinforce its leadership of almost two million listeners, representing a 50% share of its time slot, and makes it the second most listened to radio general, after the present time, also the Cadena Ser

With this renewal is also seeking to increase the strength of the Union Radio stations and adapt to a new digital landscape. The new stage is based on a thorough restructuring of the wording from power equipment the talent and youth.

The Country

Cadena SER continues the process of renewal and rejuvenation of its sports team with the aim of strengthening its leadership structure to enhance the sport of Radio Union, and developing new projects in the digital environment. As part of this restructuring, which focuses on talent, youth and strength equipment, Laura Martinez has been named Director of Sports of the Cadena SER and Antonio Romero assume the duties of Editor in Chief

Laura Martinez 32, will head the largest array of English radio sports with over 200 professional, technicians and journalists, divided by the radio network Cadena SER. Natural Tarragona, this reporter began his career in Mora d `Ebre Radio SER. With 27 years assumed the leadership of Sports in Catalonia SER, a position he has played so far and that combined with tracking of FC Barcelona for Carrusel Deportivo.

Javier Hoyos's appointment as Director of Carrusel Deportivo and Juan Ortega in the role of facilitator were the first steps of a major restructuring of the sports team that continues to Cadena SER Laura Martinez as Director of Sports and Antonio Romero as Chief Editor. Cadena SER This means a new stage in its drafting of sports in order to further their dominance in the sports radio landscape in Spain. Cadena SER

parallel, the direction of the Cadena SER had decided to renew the Carrusel Deportivo team for the obvious depletion of some of its members and professionals need to incorporate more prepared for the digital age. Cadena Ser

However, when it's time for truth, SER has chosen a heavy weight sports journalism, a familiar face, as Victor Hugo Morales, yes the hand of God and the "cosmic kite, one of the best storytellers in the English language radio.

Supposedly, this change announce it because they will give the match to 10 countries in which Rush has representation Radio. Is not worth Antonio Romero and Lluis Flaquer?

This one is the longest match of the century and the Cadena SER prepares international coverage and historical transmission: the weight of the transmission of the final of the Copa del Rey will take Victor Hugo Morales, the Uruguayan journalist who narrated the "goal of the century" of Maradona against England at Mexico 86, the author of the famous "cosmic kite." Victor Hugo Morales is flanked at all times during the match by Antonio Romero and Lluis Flaquer. Hugo Morales for the final of the Cup "is a planetary encounter. There is nothing that depicts globalization as this game." Cadena SER

will connect with the main parts of Spain where the classics are being followed. Sevilla, Mallorca or A Coruña be cities to visit, but there will also be links to some of the Prisa Radio stations in Latin America. With W Mexico, Radio Caracol in Colombia, Chile and Continental DNA in Argentina provide the view from the other side of the Atlantic. The Cup match can be heard in the 10 countries it operates Radio Prisa. Cadena Ser

Recall that in the past, when the SER also issued the carousel to other Latin American countries (eg European Cup final, or even in many important carousels League final) reporters did not bring the other side of Chaco, because journalists had them at home.

Is not serve journalists who have and need the whole army?

If you think that Antonio Romero and Lluis Flaquer are very young and inexperienced ... Why not put the big Iñigo Markinez?

the record, that Victor Hugo Morales seems great, but when you spend half a year saying they have a professional team that what matters is the brand and not the stars ... is not very good. Although this issue El Mundo, has not been targeted, the owner describes it very well be used The Victor Hugo Morales for 'lifting' their sports

Thankfully, the SER was a team of professionals. When the time key, do not believe in your own professional.

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