Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can You Store Acid Plawstic

: Small details from Filandia

This image could not be more like it: some paint cans based on several Japanese books from the publisher Paume, my favorite, accompanied by several tapes " wasabi " used to everything. In this other photo comprobaréis serve to keep pens and pencils, but where is the painting?

That's the trick, are painted on the inside as if they were full . You will say that the idea is not anything special, it's still more fun than decorating the outside.

addition to this simple DIY, on the album Jutta find a more eclectic houses and tidy (chaos in balance) I've seen in a long time. The Finnish illustrator living in an old wooden house redecorated constantly under the watchful eye of Wall and Mansikki dogs.

Some of my favorite spots:


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